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“Rude of me?” question the media overlord, “That’s fuckin’ hilarious. Talk about being rude when you just spent the day with my best friend. Didn’t even invite me!”

The smile on Alastor’s face was large and toothy. It was good to be back on such familiar grounds, “You were busy.” his antlers snapped and popped, growing beyond the tips of his ears.

“Not anymore,” Vox allowed two tentacle-like cables to emerge from his shoulder blades.


Whatever lowly demons that had been spectating the exchange had long since vanished, leaving the two overlords with the whole street to themselves.

A tentacle shot out from the ground at Alastor’s feet, flying towards Vox who electrocuted it. Without sparing the charred tentacle a glance, he ran at Alastor, propelled by the cables acting as spidery extra legs. They collided and the deer fell to the ground, kicking Vox harshly over his head, and rolled backward to stand with one smooth motion.

Vox never hit the ground, catching himself with his cables before sending one to wrap around Alastor’s ankle, supplying a powerful current. The red overlord winced, jutting his leg back and tugging the cable along with it, wobbling Vox into a crouch. While the media demon was distracted for a split second, he grabbed the cable and dashed to Vox, wrapping it around his neck and pulling with all his might. They exchanged a few frenzied blows until Alastor had his rival on the ground, holding his chest down with a foot while pulling the cable tighter.

He watched as Vox’s screen began to brighten, unable to react in time before a surge of electricity erupted from the flat surface, hitting him in the shoulder. Alastor dropped the cable and it swiftly grabbed him by the antlers, slamming him into the road.

This was fun! So much fun! The pain he was receiving and the pain he was inflicting, the need for a quick reaction, the fact he had a reason to use his powers- all of it! Most of all, it was fun that it was Vox he was fighting. Any other demon just couldn’t match his style of combat so flawlessly. It was like an intricate dance the two had perfected over the years.

Not that he’d ever admit how much he enjoyed their conflicts to the braggart himself. It was a shame that such a worthy rival had such a disgusting personality. Alas, it was hell. Maybe Vox was his punishment.

His train of thought derailed when the hellish sun was blocked out by a car flying his way. He rolled, narrowly avoiding being crushed, “Throwing things? Really? Don’t I deserve a little more class?”

“Where was ‘class’ when you were trying to strangle me with my own cords?” the TV demon retorted, rubbing his palms together to build charge. He fired the bolt, narrowly missing the deer as he melded into the shadows, joining the shade along the bottoms of the walls.

“We ain’t playing hide and seek, bambi,” Vox called, knowing Alastor could be anywhere in the shadows along the street, “Guess I’ll just have to flush you out.” His antenna began to brighten and spark as he readied himself, and promptly began sucking all the energy he could out of his surroundings. Telephone wires, payphones, laptops inside businesses- if it had power, he was taking it. Vox began to grunt with exertion, feeling his body ready to explode.

For a brief moment it paused. The bolts of energy connecting with his body vanished and he looked to the sky. Just as quick as it vanished, all hell broke loose. Vox screamed, blasting the power right back out into the surroundings in a breathtaking display of ability, stood in the center of it all. The lightning-like current swept through the street, scorching away the shadows and illuminating the area.

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