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‘I’m excited to see what’s next.’ Lee is bouncing in his seat. He hopes he would be in it. That would be really awesome.

‘Me too.’ Naruto agrees with the biggest smile still on his face.

Sasuke does his best to act serious. ‘I just wish it would be something a little more serious.’

The screen lights up. ‘Entrance of a badass’ are was is displayed on screen.

‘Who’s the badass?’ Naruto asks. There are a couple surprised faces.

‘I know a ton. I wouldn’t know.’ Shisui explains.

Kakashi shoves the teen away. ‘I’m the only badass here.’ Most of the group had to disagree. They themselves are much more badass.

Another week another chapter. Next up is the entrance of a badass. Who could it be? I know but you don't. And maybe a certain someone's death, but I'm not sure yet.

Special thanks to Carvaiine for suggesting Deidara and Tobi, and JellyFizz for suggesting the race between Gai and Kakashi

Chapter 13: entrance of a badass
Madara enter the scene

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text
The scene starts with an average looking Konoha nin looking up. He appears to be wearing a slightly different headband though. ‘Huh? What is this?’ He looks up. The rocky terrain around him becomes obvious.

‘Who’s that?’ Naruto asks. In all of the fragments they’ve seen before he hadn’t noticed that man yet.

Sasuke agrees with him. ‘He looks really generic.’ And he does. Standard brown hair, standard face, standard everything. There are like fifty other people that look the exact same.

Shikamaru shrugs. ‘He probably isn’t that important then.’ So far only the people that are important look unique. If he doesn’t then he’s probably cannon fodder.

Another section of the group turns to look at him. The people part of this group are the Tsuchikage, that Sand girl they saw previously and Naruto. ‘What are you sensing? The Tsuchikage asks.

‘What are they all doing together?’ Sakura shakes her head. She knows the uniforms of the other countries, they are required to learn it, but why would they all stand together. That hasn’t happened before according to her recollections.

‘Even those headbands. They’re strange.’ Ino agrees with her friend. She’s never seen that headband symbol either. But she must admit, it looks pretty awesome.

Shino pushes up his glasses. ‘Maybe we’ll get some context.’ But no one responds to him.

The ninja points up to one of the rock formations. ‘Over there.’

Everyone turns to look at the stone the man is pointing at. At first glance there appears to be nothing amiss. But then as they look closer a man appears. He looks kind of like a mummy with the way he’s wrapped up in bandages.

‘The second Tsuchikage.’ The Hokage is kind enough to fill in for the group. He might have only seen the man in passing. But his appearance is distinct enough to remember.

‘He’s also revived?’ Chouza munches on a slice of cake next.

‘It does seem that way.’

‘What is it?’ Gaara asks. As he’s there as well. ‘That’s the second Tsuchikage!’

Naruto looks at Gaara. ‘I thought Gaara sealed him away!’

‘So, the reanimations are not on their side.’ Shisui notes that down quick enough. It’s not something he’ll like to think about. The previous Kage, no matter how short their reign, are all powerful people. They should never be underestimated.

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