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Ingo drops the strange Pokémon off with Professor Laventon, only to become a prisoner. His spine doesn’t appreciate his new situation.

Meanwhile, Melli makes plans, asking Akari for a favour. Akari agrees, and she takes Snowflake on an adventure. Neither of them expected what would happen.




Kittyorange’s Buggy animation of Melli trying to befriend the Nasty Boy

Deerbydesign’s Melli’s First Time Meeting Feral Buggy

These make me so happy! I am glad you guys enjoy my story so much that you’d be inspired to create such amazing content. Please everyone click the links and show these people all the love they deserve.

If anyone makes art/writing/animations related to this story link them to me and I’ll share them in the next chapter, as well as gush over how awesome you all are. ^^

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
“Extraordinary!” Professor Laventon started note taking as soon as Ingo took the yellow creature from its Pokeball. “What an amazing specimen! She’s beautiful!”

The professor wasn’t expecting them to bring Lady Sneasler into the village, much less the mystery creature terrorizing the Highlands. Ingo concealed the thing inside her Pokeball, at least until they were in Laventon’s office with the doors shut. He knew Cyllene wasn’t a fan of bug type Pokémon, and as the Warden recently learned, even people without the same phobia were terrified of the creature.

Unfortunately, Laventon’s outburst alerted Cyllene to its presence, which resulted in… unexpected results.

First she bolted out of the building. Everyone thought she ran for the hills, only for her to kick the door in expertly wielding a katana. The men had to block her from the Pokémon before they killed each other, though dodging sword swipes from a very pissed off Cyllene was not a pleasant experience.

Especially for Ingo’s already injured back.

They had to get Kamado involved.

Under his orders, a new plan was made. The strange Pokemon would be allowed to stay in Galaxy Hall under strict conditions.

First, it and its eggs would be confined to what was once a broom closet next to Laventon’s office.

Second of all, it would be kept under constant guard.

And third, Ingo would be detained. At least until they figured out whatever the heck that thing was. Irida and Adaman were both informed. Neither were happy about it, but Ingo wasn’t too concerned about that right now. Perhaps he should care, but the prospect of getting his memories back was too enticing. This Pokémon was a link to his past, and he wasn’t going to give that up.

Lady Sneasler followed Ingo into the weird Pokemon’s temporary “jail cell,” allowing the mother to unload her brood and spin a new nest for them. The professor was being blocked from entering the room entirely, so he did his best to take notes from the hallway.

“I’ve never seen anything like it before! How curious… A segmented body and spinning silk to protect her eggs? She is clearly a bug type Pokémon.”

“She’s also an electric type.” Rei added. “She charges her webs to shock intruders.”

“Of course! That’s how Akari got injured! It’s all coming together now!” Laventon’s eyes were sparkling at the realization. Ingo could swear smoke was coming from the paper due to his swift scribbling. “I’ve never seen an arachnid type Pokémon in the Hisui region! Where did you find her?”

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