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Timelines were weird.

If there was one thing Papyrus understood about those shenanigans (and he tried not to think about it too much, it made his skull hurt), it was just that--WEIRD.

SOMEHOW, Sans had managed to open tears in time and space and found--to his and Papyrus's amazement--completely different universes.  And within those universes were different versions of themselves.

Sans preferred to keep tabs on these universes as they were discovered, giving them odd names to tell them apart from their own and others, and for some time, he simply did distant studying as so to not mess anything up.  THAT lasted all of two days before he was found out.

By, to Papyrus's amazement...HIMSELF.

But NOT himself.

He could only stare in wonder at his doppleganger who stepped through the tear between the universes, flanked by a smaller Skeleton who looked torn between equal parts amazement and keeping his guard up.  After making sure getting close wouldn't cause a universal Armageddon, the two sets of brothers finally properly introduced themselves as "THE MAGNIFICENT MWEH HEH HEH" Sans and "Sup" Papyrus.

Papyrus could scarcely properly introduce himself as he took in his other self.  That Papyrus ("Call me Paps") was just so...DIFFERENT.  Slumped and almost lazy-looking, wearing an oversized orange hoodie, khaki cargo shorts, and dirty sneakers with a cigarette between his teeth, he was the very image of...well, NOT Papyrus.  In fact, that universe's Sans seemed more like Papyrus, with homemade armor, practically sparkling eyelights, and an endless enthusiasm for what was going on.  His Sans seemed amused by his other self's antics and was more than happy to answer any questions while the Papyruses did their own thing.

...Which was step outside so Paps could smoke without sending his brother into a tizzy.

Paps tapped his pack against his hand before taking one out and fishing out his lighter.  He noticed Papyrus staring at him and grinned, extending the pack.  "Want one?" he asked, a teasing tilt to his voice.  Papyrus flicked his eyelights to the pack for a moment before reaching out and taking one, noticing Pap's eyelights flicker with surprise before he clicked open his lighter and lit his before passing it to Papyrus.

Papyrus licked it on and lit up the end of the cigarette, taking a drag before exhaling, rolling his eyelights at the look Paps was giving him.  "...what?"

"Heh, nothin'," Paps replied, leaning against the side of the house.  "Just surprised YOU smoke when Sans won't even look at th' things."

Papyrus snorted.  "I live with Sans, I have to cope SOMEhow," he retorted before going serious.  "I don't make a habit of it, I just take it when it's offered by the other sentries, and then I just keep a pack on hand when I want one up here.  It calms me down when I'm stressed."

Paps made a thoughtful sound, turning his gaze upward at the sky.  "...you've got Surface life, a good brother, an' a great group of friends..." he murmured.  "...Somethin' still stressing you out, buddy?"  He glanced over at Papyrus, noticing the other's tentative expression.  "...you can tell me y'know.  Think of it like givin' yourself a pep talk in th' mirror."

There was a moment of silence before Papyrus sighed, running a hand over his face.  "....it was...always knowing that Sans was hiding things from me, but not wanting to push..." he finally said.  "...seeing him depressed but not being able to help.  FINALLY knowing about the timelines, remembering everything, and just......feeling helpless and not able to do anything about it...."  He sighed, taking another drag from the cigarette.  "He doesn't want me to worry, I know that...but I'm his brother.  I can't help it.  I WANT to help...but I just....can't."

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