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When Tobirama is banished he had no intention of collecting children but he was choosing to blame the Seven Kami of luck in this case.

For Chrysanthemum9484.
Inspired by Rabbits of Caerbannog by KeanBlade.
(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: first snow
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text
Tobirama stared at his Father in blank shock, reaching without thinking back for the minksfur-warmcloves-supernova-hissingsteam and then cutting himself off hard (his Father wasn’t a sensor, he couldn’t tell where Tobirama was reaching but the sixteen year old didn’t trust that some flicker in him wouldn’t give him away; if his Father found out-!) and twisting at his fingers painfully to center himself instead as he knelt siza in front of Butsuma, carefully lowing his eyes to his to the polished wood flooring in deference. “I don’t understand Father” he murmured in a low, even voice, doing everything he could to keep his face clear and calm and all scraps of emotion from his face as his Father preferred even as the seal scars on his face stung sharply in response.

“I don’t understand what is confusing about this boy” Butsuma snapped, his sharp features set in harsh lines; so like his older son but twisted and scraped down into something far less handsome with time and bitter hate, “I am asking if this is your complete report from the mission?” it took everything Tobirama had to not hesitate or show any sort of uncertainty (Father would not look on that kindly, he never had – hesitation meant pain) before nodding smoothly rather than speaking, knowing even as he did that this was a trap and he might very well be walking into it (how bad was it? There were a few things that weren’t included, one much worse than the others, much, much worse). Butsuma shifted slightly and smoothed down the paper with the report, his dark amber eyes cold as grave dirt on his slender younger son and his voice heavy and cold as frozen steal as he said “then tell me, why did Roko see you saving the child? You were ordered to kill the entire family and yet I am told that the youngest yet lives.” And Tobirama couldn’t help himself, his breathing hitched and he felt as though a bucket of ice cold water had been poured over him (and he would know what that felt like) and he knew that was as good as admitting that he hadn’t killed the child (was he going to survive this? His Father would be furious) (but it had been a child and Tobirama had always saved every child he could despite his Father’s policy of child hunts and killing entire families, eventually he was always going to be found out, it was only a matter of time).

Butsuma’s eyes went colder and his grim mouth twisted into and angry line, the setting sun slanting through the clan head’s office making the craggy lines of his face stark as a death mask (deep inside Tobirama was shaking with terror, this was going to hurt so much and yet – the child was alive), “So you don’t even deny it then?” the older man asked evenly, something ugly hiding in his voice as Tobirama’s toes curled against the polished floor – safely hidden by the long fall of his coarse, dull blue kimono shirt (Tobirama knew they were, he had learned that lesson as a small child with his Father and his Father’s right hand man looming behind him looking for any sign of emotion – even flexing toes if Tobirama’s shirt wasn’t long enough; and Katashi was….an entirely different sort of agony over his Father, Katashi enjoyed it ((as soon as Hashi took over Tobirama was going to kill him, it was his silent promise to himself))).

Tobirama breathed out slowly and said – as he always had every time this came up no matter the circumstances (the one sign of disobedience that Tobirama allowed himself no matter the agony – or the mission he was assigned after), “I do not agree with killing children Father”. For a second something horrible and bloody flashed over Butsuma’s face before he shut it down and one finger tapped on the paper, Tobirama biting his tongue bloody not to flinch at that measured tap “Yes. So you have told me – many times in many companies” a pause and the amber eyes narrowed slightly “Tell me boy, do you know what the clans think of you? What they call you?” oh. What-? “They call you Demon, Ghost, Heartless, an aberration, Monster, Butsuma’s cur; the rabid dog on my leash – or your brother’s depending. Of all the Senju they fear you the most – even the other Senju fear you for your heartlessness, do you know you are higher on most hitlists than even me? Then even Katashi? They hate you, they loath you. You have me and your brother, your blessed, kind, loved, brother and without us you are nothing, you are alone and pointless, useless, an empty vessel waiting for blood and not knowing who to take it from – maybe you’ll just kill everyone you see without us telling you how to be” there was something musing and cruel in the man’s voice as he rose from the low traditional desk and wandered faux absently around his kneeling child.

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