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It was starting to get too hot, Quackity shifted to get to the colder side of his bed and half of his arm sunk down, at first he didn’t even realize it, still half asleep as he was. Until the itchy, scratchy sensation of sand all around his arm and hand didn’t caught up with him.

Sand? Why there is sand here?

He thought, blearily, finally starting to wake up fully, aided by the fact that it was hot , like really hot, and the sunlight was basically flashing directly on his face, which… felt a bit weird, usually it wasn’t that bad and he had his shutters half pulled down so that it would get literally on his face, that was to say though that usually he woke up pretty early, so maybe he had just slept late.

He cracked an eye open, just to check around and see if he had sand on his bed, for some… absurd reason. He closed his eyes again, just for them to shot open the moment after.

What the fuck ?!

He ripped his arm out of the sand, shuffling back to his feet, almost digging himself in the sand instead of out of it for how quickly he tried to move on the ever shifting surface. He ended up almost losing his footing two or three times, both for the slipperiness of the sand and because his movements weren’t the smoothest as he had just woken up.

Quackity blinked a few times both to get rid of the blurriness of sleep and, kind of, hoping this was a weird dream, but nothing, even after a few times, everything was still the same.

He was still in the middle of a desert.

White-yellowish sand extending as far as the eye could see, in all directions, a sea of dunes, dotted by dark and light rocks and a few dried up bushes.

And he was in the middle of it, confused and a bit scared if he was being honest with himself.

Not knowing how the hell had he even ended up here.

The last thing he remembered was going home after the meet-up with Phil, getting some things ready and some others done and then going to sleep, he had been so tired that apart from taking off his jacket and mask, he had done nothing else. Which… seeing the situation he seemed to be in, it was a good thing.
At least he was fully clothed.

Though the black shirt wasn’t helping much with how hot the air felt, seemingly absorbing all the heat from the sun rays and make him feel like instead of cloth he was wearing hot coals.

Brushing the sand off of his arm and clothes the best he could, not wanting to deal with the itchiness of it, Quackity took a few calming breaths.

Okay, okay, he had to think logically here .

Even if there was nothing logical, he had gone to sleep in his home, in his room, how the hell had he ended up in a fucking desert?! , still even if it made no sense, he had to think logically.

Half of him still hoping this was one of those weird realistic dreams, like the ones where one got lost in a forest or something similar.

Even if the light of the sun felt a bit too stinging, the heat a bit too smoldering and the itchiness from the sand just a bit too real to be just a dream, still he held up on that hope too, as he looked around, one hand brought up to try and protect his eyes a bit from the sun.

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