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Well...It’s possible, but to get it would entail not being in the Abyss in the first place. Regardless, there’s not anything more that we can learn from this. Let’s see inside.”

The inside was just as he expected it to be, sans the missing elevator. Approaching the part where said elevator was supposed to be, he examined the only part that was left - a broken chain pulley system. “I can see now that you clearly weren’t exaggerating with the elevator - it appears the chains snapped from too much strain.”

“Remind me to fire whoever constructed this one.” The Pale King said as he gazed downward into the Abyss.

“See anything?”

“Nothing. I don’t even feel the Shade Lord’s presence down there, not like when I was evacuating everyone.”

“Why didn’t you say at the time?”

“It would’ve either generated too many questions or caused too much panic. At the time I was not in the mood for either. Do you think many of the other retainers would have taken well to hearing that there was a god out there that was stronger than me? And that said god was most likely angry with me? And that we happened to be right in the thick of its domain?”

The King had a point. “I suppose I can see the wisdom in that decision. Even I had a hard time believing it at first.”

“Yes. Well, in any case it seems that this little excursion has generated more questions than answers. Dryya is definitely not here, and whilst I was tempted to fly down there myself to check the lighthouse, the elevator took out the landing when it fell.” He paused for a moment, seeming to deflate as the hope of Dryya being alive withered, “I shouldn’t have brought us here. Too much false hope made me believe in something that wasn’t true. I think I’m still in denial over her death.”

He patted the King’s shoulder. “Don’t blame yourself. If there’s one thing Monomon has taught me, it’s that even the brightest among us are still prone to mistakes. And it’s not like this trip took long, regardless. Let’s head back.”

The King nodded wordlessly, letting him open the door and lead him out. They were halfway to the vertical shaft when...

Someone dropped down to their level from the entrance shaft, landing in a crouched position.

Someone who seemed somewhat familiar…

The stranger rose from their crouch, and the Pale King let out a strangled cry when his eyes locked with the strangers. “D-Dryya?!” He exclaimed, “you...you’re alive?!”

Dryya, however, took a step back, seemingly as surprised at the King’s presence as the King was of her presence. “Pale King? I...don’t come near me. I...I’m not a bug. Not anymore.” Did her shadow just move? Or was that a trick of the lighting?

“What? Dryya, please. I don’t care for whatever the Shade Lord did to you, or the fact that you’re now void. All I care is that you’re alive. Alive when I thought you lost.” He held out a hand, slowly approaching her. “Don't be afraid. Please. Just like you, I’m vo-” but she interrupted him, shakily stepping back.

“No you don’t understand, I…” For a horrible moment, it looked as if she would run, would abandon them seemingly out of insecurity. But before she could jump back up the shaft, something happened.

The ground shook.

And with a massive crash, someone huge came down through the vertical shaft and landed before them all.

Hegemol was many things.

Mighty, giant, intimidating...But also soft spoken, insightful, and discreet.

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