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Connor stepped in. One forensic scientist glanced up but otherwise their hallway discussion appeared largely unnoticed. He put on the blue gloves and took in the crime scene.

Victim Jennifer Brogden, recent VP of marketing, lay dead on the floor. The cause of death was obviously the bullet hole through her forehead and the bloody shoeprint near the body belonged to a perpetrator as the victim wore heels, not converse. A quick scan revealed no dried thirium in the room. Which was a relief but begged the question why the perpetrators tampered with the thermal scanner. He started reconstructing the crime scene.

“Odd time of day for a murder,” Hank prompted after a few moments.

It was. Why would anyone murder at the beginning of the business day in downtown Detroit?

“Her death wasn’t the intention,” Connor said. Hank gestured at him to keep going. “Based on the placement of footprints, the perp was at the south wall when the victim entered.” His eyes focused on the three paintings. Only the large one was slightly crooked. He carefully reached his gloved hand and shifted the painting to the side, revealing a steel safe door. “Trying to break in, but Jennifer likely arrived early. Out of habit or as a one-off…”

“Doesn’t matter since she’s dead now,” Hank said.

“The preparation of the would-be robbers or lack thereof could indicate how they escaped and aid in—”

“Get to the point.”

Connor refrained from scowling since someone had to be the professional and it would never be Hank. “She came in and they shot her as soon as she entered and they escaped…” Connor paused. They wouldn’t go through the stairwell. Not with the obvious cameras. Though if the thieves were panicked, an avoidable mistake wasn’t out of the question. “Either the way we came in, so they’ll be on camera, or they climbed out the window and will be spotted on traffic cameras.” Connor shot Hank a pointed look. “If they were less prepared, they likely ran through the hallway.”

“Lines up with the evidence. Let’s go get those feeds,” Hank said. “Start with the traffic one.”

Connor ground his teeth.

Chapter 2


I love everyone's response and feedback!!! Ngl the last story I published never got any reviews so this is a welcome boost and really motivating when I'm writing. Enjoy chapter 2!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Connor and Hank were officially consulting on a case with Detective Reed. Unofficially, Hank snickered behind the one-way mirror as Gavin’s many intimidation tactics failed to make the suspect do more than fidget. Unofficially, Connor was also amused the smug detective wasn’t able to successfully interrogate the suspect.

They both skimmed the file prior to this interrogation, though skimming for an android was vastly different than a human skimming. The suspect was, as Hank said, an official Wall Street douche and apparently linked to the red ice operation Gavin stumbled across in his latest case. Terrance was Gavin’s best lead in moving up the chain or finding other involved parties unless he kept fumbling this interrogation.

“Now watch him lean in to whisper and try to intimidate Terrance again,” Hank said. “As if it’ll work the twelfth time.”

Connor eyed the detective and the polished suspect. Gavin paced like a feral cat. Twenty minutes in and the detective was not a patient man. “I think Gavin will circle around him then slam the table before his next question.”

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