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Then why should I punish you for what might have been? Fandral is my subject and he put my son, his companion of many years and one to whom he swore oaths of loyalty, at great risk. Thor held the responsibilities of Crown Prince, was a hair’s breadth from holding the responsibilities of King, and he threw them aside for a chance to soothe his wounded pride. You don’t need some great punishment to understand the gravity of your actions.” His tone became stern. “To craft one for you would be both overindulgent and reckless. How would the people react if, a day after I satisfied their curiosity about your origins and praised you openly to them, I were to declare you unworthy of your title and powers and cast you out of the realm?”

Loki’s insides twisted and he looked down. He knew that would not go well.

“I will hear no more talk of punishments,” said Odin, patting Loki on the shoulder and turning to face the fire again. “We shall carry on as a united front. If you are burdened by your guilt, I suggest you ponder what you are prepared to do to put things right.”


Walking down the Hall of Images, which included several depictions of Asgard’s history as misleading as those on the ceiling of the throne room, it took about half an hour for Frigga to calmly and gently explain what Odin had hidden with a fiction about a Jotnar invasion. Sif asked most of the questions; Thor just walked and absorbed it all. He had made vague assumptions in this direction after learning that Hela existed and had slaughtered the Valkyrior, but there had always been more pressing matters to deal with than learning the details, both before and after he picked up the Time Stone, so it had fallen to the back of his mind.

He was not pleased with his father’s decision to paint over the whole thing with lies, but even he had to admit that Odin had done it with good reason. If no one remembered Hela, then there would be no unrepentant tyrannical figure for the more bloodthirsty of the people to rally around. Easy way out or not, it had ensured peace within the realm for nearly all of Thor’s life—except for the part where it left Asgard entirely unprepared to face Hela if she ever returned.

Sif was most horrified to learn that the women she looked up to had been killed by the once Crown Princess while Odin was occupied defending the palace (and specifically his remaining sons) from the onslaught of her supporters.

When she had finished answering all questions, Frigga clasped Sif’s hands briefly, pulled Thor into a hug (he wasn’t in the mood for it at first but melted within seconds and found himself returning the embrace with all his heart), and left them to attend to her other duties. Thor watched her go.

Sif touched his arm. “How long have you known about Hela and Baldur?”

“Father told Loki and me about Hela right before he died in my time, and moments later she broke free of Niflheim, destroyed Mjolnir with one hand, and attacked. It was about two weeks for me between then and when I came back, but I think it must have been longer on Asgard. She killed so many of the people, including Hogun, Volstagg, and Fan—” He broke off, clenching his fists. The very thought of Fandral still made him furious, but it was harder to hold onto that feeling when thinking of how he had died. “I only learned of Baldur the day Mother and Father told Loki of his origins, but I didn’t know Hela’s supporters were responsible for his death until today.”

They looked up at a massive painting of the battle in which Odin had taken Utgard. Icy battlements shattered, the gold inlays in Asgard’s forces gleamed, and the wings of the Valkyrior’s mounts beat the air.

“I would have supported you in any case, but I understand your desire for an alliance with Jotunheim better now,” said Sif.

“Why is that?” said Thor.

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