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Just In
Second Wind by The Lost Samurai
Anime » One Piece Rated: T, English, Adventure & Humor, Luffy, Zoro, Strawhat Pirates, Words: 278k+, Favs: 11k+, Follows: 11k+, Published: Feb 12, 2015 Updated: Feb 3 6,767 Chapter 19: A Reason Not to Fight

I pulled something really stupid in chapter 17. The mistake has been fixed via editing, so naturally, I'm shouting it out to the fanbase rather than sweeping it under the rug because it's funny. I called the octopus shell that Luffy found an Omanyte instead of an Ammonite. A reviewer pointed out the distinction to me. Ammonite is the name of the extinct marine animal. Omanyte is a Pokémon based off of said marine animal. Needless to say I felt both nerdy and unintelligent at that moment.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. If I did, I wouldn't have to write all these disclaimers, and then I wouldn't be running out of ideas for said disclaimers. But I don't, and I am, so I guess I'll just have to make the beginning of my chapters even more captivating once I do.

Chapter XIX: A Reason Not to Fight

"Kashu. One of the 50 Skillful Grade swords," Tashigi said to nobody in particular as she stared at the blade in her hand in admiration. To think she'd come across a sword this rare so early in the Grand Line. Not only that, but she'd liberated the blade from evil's grasp. For a moment, she was in a state of reverie. She felt like she could get lost in the temper for hours. Nothing could ruin this wonderful moment—

"Tashigi! Stop going into ecstasy over your spoils of war and get your ass over here, you sword freak!"

"Y-yes, Captain Smoker!" Tashigi stumbled as she ran out the door towards the deck, but quickly caught herself, only to stumble again going down the stairs. She finally regained her balance and faced the Marine captain.

"Play it back again," Smoker said to the Marine next to him. "Listen carefully, Tashigi." The Marine pressed the button on the black transponder snail meant for intercepting calls, and it buzzed to life.

"Mr. 0…sent you your orders…Princess Vivi…Straw Hat Pirates?" a voice said. Then what sounded like a different voice mixed in said, "Yeah…Straw Hats…mission accomplished." The conversation was choppy with long pauses in between, and it was clear that some parts of it were missing.

"So, then, this is our first lead on the Straw Hat Pirates," Tashigi said seriously.

"Yeah," Smoker confirmed. "The source was too far away for us to intercept it clearly, but we can still make out a few key words from this call. Mr. 0, orders, Princess Vivi, Straw Hat Pirates."

"Could Mr. 0 have anything to do with the Mr. 11 we've apprehended?" Tashigi asked.

"Good point. If those numbers are code names, we could be dealing with some criminal organization," Smoker speculated. Mr. 11's head perked up at this.

"Mr. 0? Are you really resorting to guesswork? I have no idea who that is. Just because our names are similar doesn't mean we have some connection," he said.

"Then how do you explain this letter we found in your pocket from a Mr. 0 with orders written on it?" Smoker asked emotionlessly. The man's eyes widened. But I could have sworn I burnt that letter!

"A-a-actually, about that letter—"

"What letter?" Smoker asked. "There was no letter in your pocket." Mr. 11 was reduced to tears. Shit!

Interesting, Smoker thought idly. Princess Vivi is the heir to the Alabastian throne, but that country is in midst of a civil war. He blew out a long puff of smoke. Let's just see what the desert island has in store for us.

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