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“U.A.’sThe human psyche is a delicate thing.

It shifts, grows, and changes as a person experiences life, but Arsene had never seen one so… barren. Blackness flooded around him as he floated in an endless void, dark enough to only see quick flashes of eyes or scales or the odd feathers of the other Personas sharing the same space.

It has been this way since Yaldabaoth sent down that black wind and banished them.

“Is big brother okay?” An innocent voice echoed.

“He’s hurting.” Arsene couldn’t see who spoke, but recognized the soft voice, “I know not how to make him feel better.”

“Master will pull through!” Cerberus would howl it to the moon if he could, “After all, he has us!”

“Of course he’ll be fine,” This one’s voice was dainty, yet commanding, as she floated on invisible winds with sparkling gossamer wings, “I would never follow a weak man. Otherwise, I wouldn’t bother being here.”

“Careful what you say, Titania.” Arsene growled, his great black wings unfurling with a warning, “We all swore a vow to the Trickster, ‘I am thou, thou art I’. It is a promised bond that can never be broken.”

“I was only teasing. I would never leave him like this.” She said with a smirk, “Besides, everything has been turned on its head since we got to this new world. We are different in this realm, no longer bound by the same Sea of Human Souls back home.”

Arsene saw her glide through the darkness towards him. “What are you getting at?”

“We are no longer one copy amidst many in this Sea. I feel whole for the first time in ages.”

Arsene looked down at his clawed hands. He curled them into fists. It’s true. In the old world, they were nothing but whispers and hollow shadows, only solid and powerful while in Palaces or Mementos. Here, in this new world, they were all alive. Were they naturally becoming more corporeal, or was there something morphing within the Trickster?

Perhaps it was this new world that was the catalyst. The energy of a brand new Sea?

“Lady Titania has a point,” The innocent one said, “The Magician’s persona said that our powers work differently.”

“Ooh!” The bubbly one giggled, “Won’t this be fun? Who knows what we can spread in this new world!?”

“As long as Master can be happy.” Cerberus wagged his metal tail like an excited pup.

Titania slid her arms around Arsene’s shoulders, “Everything will fall into place. Just you wait, the Trickster will return to his normal self in no time.”

Arsene huffed, ignoring the intoxicating scent of sunshine and early morning dew as he freed himself from her silky grasp. He missed how she pouted at him. Not that he cared about her wiles.

“Anything can happen yet.” He said, tucking in his wings and tracing the rim of his hat, “All we can do for now is support the Trickster with everything we have.”

There was movement, the largest of them stirred in a rustle of golden scales. Great ruby red eyes stared down from above, a growl like a great earthquake washing over them.

“Uh oh,” The bubbly one whispered, “We woke up grandpa. Sorry, old boy.”

A snort blew down on them in a harsh gale. Arsene held the tip of his hat so it wouldn’t blow away, his elegant feathers were ruffled into an unsavory mess. The old one wasn’t even sorry as he slipped further into the blackness to sleep in peace, the tip of his magnificent tail was the last thing they saw.

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