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Don’t say that.” Sif put a comforting hand on Brunnhilde’s arm. She nearly missed. “You’re not stupid. Princes are stupid.” She wasn’t normally one to get this drunk. Voda was strong stuff. She felt simultaneously very cross and on the verge of wild laughter.

“They think they know everything,” Brunnhilde concurred. “Thor’s not too bad though.”

Sif snorted. “Thor’s the worst one!”

“That’s only because you’re in love with him.”

Sif slumped over the bar, running her finger around the top of her tankard. “Have you seen the way his eyes crinkle up when he smiles?”

“Norns,” said Brunnhilde.

“No, really! They do!” Sif insisted. “And when he smiles at you it’s like you drank a bottle of sunlight.” She tipped her tankard toward her. Most of the remaining contents reached her mouth.

“If getting drunk makes you come over all soppy and poetic, I’ll have Kjellfrid cut you off right now.”

“Good,” said Kjellfrid with a stern look at the pair of them. “I was about to cut both of you off in any case.”

Sif pouted.

“That’s alright,” said Brunnhilde. She climbed unsteadily off her stool. “There’s somewhere I want to go. Come on, Sif.”

“You’d better not be going to another mead hall,” said Kjellfrid.

“I wanted to before, but I’ve had a better idea,” said Brunnhilde.

Sif climbed down and followed her on wobbly legs. They ended up half-supporting each other to stay upright, which set off Sif’s giggles. Brunnhilde scoffed but it wasn’t long before she was giggling too. They must look like a pair of pathetic loons.

“Where are we going anyway?”

“It’s a surprise,” said Brunnhilde. “You’ll like it.”

They somehow reached the stables around the back of The King’s Spear without falling over once. “Are you sure we shouldn’t take a skiff?”

“There weren’t horses on Sakaar. I miss them.”

“Alright, but you won’t stay on.”

“Pfft, these ones don’t even fly.”

Miraculously, they did manage to keep their seats on the two horses they borrowed. Mead hall horses were especially good at managing unsteady riders. What sweet souls they were.

Sif didn’t have the slightest clue where they were headed until Brunnhilde guided her horse a little ahead and turned onto the Rainbow Bridge. “Are we leaving Asgard?”


“Are you sure you want me along with you? You barely even like me.”

“Don’t be silly. I like you just fine when we’re both drunk.”

At the pace the horses were going, it took several minutes to reach the Observatory. Brunnhilde hopped down and barely avoided falling on her face. Sif wasn’t as successful, but Brunnhilde helped her up.

“Commander Brunnhilde. Lady Sif,” said Heimdall. Sif couldn’t tell if he was amused by or disapproving of the state they’d got themselves in. Maybe both. “What can I do for you?”

“We’re going to Vanaheim,” said Brunnhilde.

“Vanaheim?” said Sif.

Heimdall smiled. “Very good.” He twisted Hofund in the console, and the gears around them ground to life. “I hope you will convey my affection to the Matriarchs when you arrive.”

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