UEM 16: Voices and Letters

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UEM 16: Voices and Letters

In the month of the Cosmos. That's when this world or whatever illusion this is supposedly ending. According to Letizia.

And it has been years since I last saw her. I'm still not a hundred percent sure if all the things she had told me... she had told us... were even true.

But how could I even keep on clinging to those absurd ideas through the years?

I was just able to meet those three last month. Letizia had told them about the same things except with the butterfly necklace.

What's my purpose here? Are these things even worth it? Should I really take a break from all of this?

If we're really inside this illusion world to take advantage of the war, what exactly should I do? Who are the people we need to take down here?

Will that old hag really show up once we're complete? What if... we won't ever be complete?

And why... do I trust my decisions so much despite having all these questions in my mind? Is this confidence reasonable enough?

Since we're under an illusion and the things that happen here will remain a product of illusion... then these are fake. It's not happening in the real world. We are probably not who we are in this world. We are probably completely different witches...

But where did the timeline of this illusion exactly start? Are my childhood memories even real? Does my friendship with Maori and feud with those girls really happen? Am I really being me?

I mean, they could be real. But to what extent...

And I couldn't help but think that the real world might be worse than this shitty illusion spell... whatever this is. I mean... there's a war happening. It's given that it's dangerous out there.

Why is there a war happening in the supposedly real world and timeline?

And lastly, why am I one of the chosen? Why exactly are we chosen?

I've spent quite a time repeating all the questions I have in my head for the past years. Sometimes, I was able to comfort myself. Sometimes, doing it gets me more confused... like now.

I heaved a sigh and shook my head to halt whatever's running inside my head for more than an hour now.

I should be enjoying my weekend but I kept on remembering my conversation with those three. They seemed much more invested than me. They are working way harder than me. And I've decided to join them so I should do my part well.

I sipped on my barely hot cup of tea, struggling to organize my thoughts. After I finished it, I went straight to our bedroom where both Lana and Maori were still sleeping soundly.

Maori was extra exhausted due to her training yesterday with Sir Alfaro, her twin sister, and other outstanding student sealers. Lana, on the other hand, just got home earlier this morning which woke me up inevitably. We just had a chat a bit and she quickly took a shower before dozing off.

I was sleeping yesterday almost most of the day so I believe it was a good amount of rest already. I don't really have anything to do today because Ma'am Velen didn't tell me to come to the healing laboratory. My apprenticeship schedule is not fixed so it's kind of a favor to me.

I took one of my casual robes from the cabinet beside my bed and silently left the room and our dorm. Once I made sure it was locked, I continued dragging my feet out of the dormitory building.

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