UEM 22: Emergency

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UEM 22: Emergency

It was a Saturday morning, and I had nothing particular to do for the whole day. I've got no classes, and Ma'am Velen did not tell me anything about the antidote-making and training in daylight. My apprenticeship would take place every night.

While it'd be wiser to just take a rest for the day and let my body fully recuperate from that training I had, I decided to at least practice inside our dorm. It wouldn't be distracting because Lana has not yet returned since yesterday and Maori is still staying at the infirmary. I heard that she'll only be allowed to get discharged once her souro flow goes back to its normal state again.

And speaking of souro flow, that's what I'm trying to control right now. It's not like it's not circulating fine, but I'm pretty sure it's not the way it was. It felt like ever since I came to this school, it had changed. And after the training involving the boulder, it changed even more.

I can still remember my days when I was an assistant healer at Camellia Healing Station. Whenever I think that the patients they bring there do not deserve the best treatment, I'll try to poison them. I'd make my souro flow go wild and purposely not control it, so I'd make a mistake. That was my own way of punishing them. And that act actually made me feel good.

I sighed and brought my right palm close to my face. Now that I haven't done that act for almost a month, the scars are slowly fading. And I think it's quite a good thing. The situation is now different. It changed when I met those three, and I had to do other things to prove even more that Letizia's words were all true. And I believe it all now.

However, gathering the supposed chosen ones is the trickiest of all. We had to convince those four, confront Sir Ravil, and find the missing last member. I could feel that, whoever that last member was, I was certain that he or she is just around. We must find him or her, no matter what.

I drew another sigh and manipulated the circulation of my souro once again. I tried to gather all my energy in my palms and place it near the pillow on my bed. And without sweat, I managed to lift it and throw it across the room. Well, it was pretty easy because it's very light.

I continued to lift things, including the heavy things—the beds and couches in particular—around the house for another two hours until I got exhausted and decided to take a rest on the couch.

While thinking about what to do next with the free time I've got, I couldn't help but feel more frustrated with the contribution I made to the team. It felt like I wasn't useful at all. I mean, confirming that Ravil was one of us was the best thing I could offer so far, but I still feel lacking. I have to do something better. And thinking about embarking on a real mission makes me kind of nervous. I had never done it. It drives me insane.

But knowing Lana is working so hard right now to win the match, get the better mission, and convince Kimberlia to form an alliance with us makes me more eager to give everything I have... to at least... support her, Felix, and Gregory in this mission.

I attempted to do various exercises and even read a medical book to refresh my mind when I suddenly remembered what I had been meaning to do since yesterday.

I took a quick bath and put on my casual robe before heading off to the healing department building. I went straight to the room where we usually held our main mago class. And just like what I had expected, I saw Ma'am Mediana sitting in the corner of the room, deeply invested in the book she was holding, while there were several books scattered on the floor.

I stood in the doorway and knocked on the door with caution. The first series of knocks were not enough, so I had to hit the surface harder to catch her attention. And with a few more attempts, I finally succeeded.

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