UEM 41: The Sole Task

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UEM 41: The Sole Task

I held my cheek as I stared in the mirror. My hand then traveled to the butterfly pendant on my necklace and caressed it for a minute.

It has been a week since we confronted Miss Luna. Everything that took place from that brief meeting and private conversation with her played in my head several times, and I still remember all the words she had told us.

Knowing which year this illusion world was recreated was such a huge help to us. It answered one of the questions we've been meaning to ask. But also knowing that she's not willing to cooperate with us and that I was the one to blame for being trapped in this illusion world was such a slap to me. I'm not even certain if she's telling the truth, but her attitude towards me was somewhat enough for me to believe her. She won't hate me for anything.

I didn't tell anyone about what Miss Luna and I had truly talked about. I just said that I tried to persuade her, but she just got angrier at me. It was a piece of cake to lie, given that all of them were immersed in the information fed to us. It's actually a good thing that they bought it, because I don't think I'm ready to share that with them.

I'm scared. A big part of my heart wants to know if this really is my fault and how this is even my fault. I theorized in my head for a lot of time, but none made sense. But there's a part of me that fears the truth behind this illusion world. The fright wins over my curiosity.

And it's not like I have the time to investigate it. I, along with the chosen ones, have too much on our plates right now. We have to deal with the upcoming banquet first with all our might. Because a few days ago, we received information from Quezon and Coey about the syndicate's plan for the said event.

This intel left us no choice but to relay this information to the higher-ups. They needed to be aware of this because it would cost someone's life and might ruin everything. We cannot simply handle this ourselves.

But because I relayed this information to the higher-ups, I had to deal with another revelation presented to me.

Four days ago, after sharing the information with the higher-ups through Sir Ravil, I was called to the faculty's building together with Kimberlia and Gregory.

I rushed to the faculty building after being notified that Ma'am Velen had called me. It was such a shame because I haven't finished my healing activity in the main mago class, yet I was interrupted by this supposed emergency call.

Ideas poured into my head as I continued walking towards the faculty building. Requesting my presence at this time of the day is weird, to be honest. But when I saw Kimberlia and Gregory approaching the building, that was when I realized the most probable reason why we were being called.

It seemed like when they saw me, they also realized right away what we came for here.

"I knew this would've turned out like this. We should've not told those old peeps about this," Kimberlia said, her brows furrowed in annoyance.

"It's not like Sir Ravil can shut up about it. It's better that we know that he told them that information," Gregory countered immediately.

I sighed and endured the shivers that were traveling in every corner of my body. "We couldn't really escape this, huh?" I said, trying to hide the fear looming in my system.

Kimberlia scoffed. "Still... I didn't expect that they'd confront us... this way. It could've been better if they had made a scene. But calling us like this screams bad news. I mean, they already knew I was part of it. What's with this drama, and do we have to be called there? "

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