UEM 36: The Invitation

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UEM 36: The Invitation

I huffed as I entered our bedroom. While I was expecting that only Maori would be there, I was a bit stunned to see Lana sleeping soundly on her bed.

They were both asleep, which I prefer. I do not really have the energy to explain what happened, despite knowing that I could just easily make things up just in case our scenario was different.

I slowly went to my bed and unintentionally made eye contact with myself in our mirror's reflection. I looked fine, and there were only a few scratches on my face and neck. But the paleness and dryness of my lips and the exhaustion in my eyes beg to differ. They were so evident on my face that I could be mistaken for someone who's severely sick.

My eyes then went down to my necklace's butterfly pendant. It blinks earlier. That means that I'm in danger again.

But if I am at war in the current timeline, then isn't it something I can't simply avoid? The war itself is already a danger.

Physically, emotionally, and mentally tired from the training and battle I had a while ago, I had no choice but to throw my body on the cushioned bed and close my eyes.

Snaps of the dead bodies, helpless women and children, and the crimson ground of the plaza flashed in my head uncontrollably. It also felt like my ears were ringing again, and the screams and weeps played again. But I guess I should thank the extreme exhaustion I had; I couldn't even manage to feel anything about those horrendous images in my mind and immediately dozed off.

I was not even sure how I got through that week. I just know that it was a suspiciously peaceful week, to the point that being able to do what I was normally supposed to do felt surreal. I was able to attend all of my classes and even continued working for Ma'am Velen. She advised me to stop producing more antidotes and offered to train me. Although it was not as taxing as the previous training sessions I had with her, they all challenged my stamina and intellect.

Maori and I also talked about what happened. I was even shocked that she had approached me first about our little feud and even apologized for her behavior. It felt like hell because how could she apologize for giving that reaction? I deserve that... Her feelings are valid.

But again, Maori is Maori. She's not as proud as everybody else. And given our friendship, she would not let this thing swallow us up.

"That was quick... He's been found within two weeks! The investigation team of this university is really something..." Kara said as she meticulously flipped the pages of the newspaper she was reading.

I threw a glance at her and noticed how immersed she was in the news. But I guess she's not the only one who has been acting like that since early this morning. Everyone was fazed by the news. That Quezon Quijano has been found, and he claims that he temporarily lost some of his memories and was taken care of by an old lady who was living near the borders of the City of East for the time being.

He followed the plan strategized by our team. I hope he'll be able to keep this up. Because if not, I'm sure Lana won't sit still and will make sure he's gone forever.

"And the old lady who he claimed took him in was brought to the headquarters of the Classic Knight Witches..." she continued, and she did not even show an ounce of interest in the meal in front of her.

"Could she possibly be an accomplice of the abductors? " she asked me, referring to the old lady mentioned.

I sighed and stared at the food on my plate.

According to Lana, that old lady has been living alone near the borders of the East for more than a decade now. She has no family. The residents claim that she's out of her mind, and she pretends to have this ability to erase memories.

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