Chapter 23- The Chase

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"Hey! You guys picked a great campsite." This directs everyone's attention to Toph. She wriggles her toes in the thick mat of fur covering the ground around the bison. "The grass is so soft."

"That's not grass." Sokka says, somewhat displeased. "Appa's shedding."

Katara raises her foot warily. "Oh, gross!"

"That's not gross," Aang cheerfully says. "It's just a part of spring! You know, rebirth, flowers blooming and Appa gets a new coat."

"Ah, the beauty of spring," Katara sarcastically sighs.

Appa, who had currently been grooming himself, sneezes, releasing a thick cloud of fur.

Katara waves her arms about, now coated in fur. "Stop! Appa, stop! Ugh!" She coughs.

Bending over, Sokka's back is turned to her. "It's not that bad, Katara." He turns to reveal a wig made of fur, done up in a towering beehive. "It makes a great wig!"

Aang is wearing a beard of fur. "And a great beard!"Aang and Sokka laugh while pointing at each other.

Katara wipes fur off her clothing with her eyes closed. "I'm just glad we have another girl in the group to overrule you two, because you guys are disgusting."

Toph walks up from behind the two boys. "Excuse me, does anyone have a razor? Because I've got some hairy pits!"

She raises her arms, revealing that she had stuffed fur in her sleeves.

I let out a little laugh as Katara scolds me with her eyes.

The four of us laugh; Aang sneezes, sending himself flying backward.

The big sneeze causes him to crash against Appa's leg and for fur to blow off us and himself. The impact leaves some fur on his back.

We continue to laugh joyfully, causing Katara to chuckle slightly.

Later in the evening, we were all setting up camp. Aang and I were setting up the tent while Sokka throws down a pile of firewood he collected.

Katara, who spends her time stirring around water in a pot, notices Toph slumped lazily against a rock, chewing a piece of wheat. She approaches her.

Standing on top of Appa, Aang uses airbending to lift the saddle. He mistakenly causes it to land directly on top of Sokka, who had been standing on the ground beside the bison.

Aang lands onto the ground to aid Sokka. "Sorry!"

I couldn't help but giggle.

"This is funny to you?" Sokka asks as he rubs his side. "My pain is funny to you?"

His eyes watered as his voice began to crack. Why did he always make me feel so sorry for him?

I walked up to Sokka, embracing him in a hug. "I'm sorry. Do you want me to kiss your boo boo?"

Sokka eagerly shook his head.

I playfully rolled my eyes, but kissed his cheek anyways. "Better?"

"Actually, my lips feel a little-"

Putting out my hand and laughing, I push his lips away from me.

Later at night, Sokka, Katara and I shared a tent while Aang slept on Appa and Toph had made her own tent.

"Ppst, Venus. Are you awake?" I heard Sokka murmur.

My eyes were closed, but I hadn't fully fell asleep yet. "No."

To get closer to me, Sokka got out of his sleeping bag and crawled over to me. He peered his head over my face.

I opened my eyes seeing the water tribe boy above me. "Yes. Sokka, I'm awake."

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