Chapter 36- The Awakening

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After everything that had happened in Ba Sing Se. We took a flight back to Chameleon Bay, where we discovered Hakoda and the other men of the Water Tribe. The Earth King set out on his own with Bosco because he decided he wanted to travel the world in disguise. Ships belonging to the Fire Nation soon filled the bay. Instead of battling them all, we caught a solitary boat and made it our disguise. We have been traveling West ever since.

It had been a few weeks, and Aang had still not woken up, but I had faith that he would arisen soon.

Sokka and I were gazing at the vast ocean that surrounded the Fire nation ship at night while the moon was clearly visible in the sky.

"Are you okay?" Sokka had asked.

I turned away from the sea to face him. "Yeah, I think so. You?"

"I'm good." Sokka then began to giggle obnoxiously.

"What?" I questioned, confused.

"You look cute in your Fire nation uniform that is five times bigger than you."

Sokka took off my helmet and placed it on the ground. He came back up and stared into my eyes. "There's those beautiful green eyes."

I began to feel my face heat up. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" Sokka questioned, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull us closer.

I placed my hand on his chest. "Like you want to kiss me."

"What if I do?" Sokka smirked.

Sokka and I are suddenly caught off guard by a loud noise. I quickly put my helmet back on to examine the situation.

The avatar had stumbled on the stairs and dropped his staff as everyone in the ship surrounded him.

"Twinkle Toes! That's got to be you!" Toph smiles as she and Katara happily run over to Aang.

"Aang, you're awake!"

"Are you sure?" Aang rubs his eyes. "I feel like I'm dreaming." I noticed that his hair was completely grown out, he looked slightly older.

Katara hugs Aang. "You're not dreaming. You're finally awake."

Sokka goes to hug Aang; disguised in his Fire Nation guard. "Aang, good to see you back with the living, buddy!"

I join the embrace. "Oh my spirits, Aang, you've been knocked out for weeks." I ruffle up his new found hair.

"Venus? Sokka?" Aang breathes heavily, appearing to be passing out.

"Uh-oh," Toph warns. "Somebody catch him, he's going to-"

Aang collapses to the floor, Katara runs short of catching him.

After a few minutes, Aang is awake once again. He sits in front of Katara, also sitting, surrounded by Sokka, Toph and I. Appa rests behind us. Aang receives a robe to cover him.

"Why are we on a Fire Nation ship? Why is everyone dressed this way? And why am I the only one who's completely out of it?" Sokka nudges, Toph and I indicating that we should leave Katara and Aang alone to talk.

Sokka and I watched closely as Aang and Katara spoke.

"They're cute." I smiled.

Sokka spun his head towards me. "What do you mean, they're cute?"

I made a smug look. "I mean that they are cute. What is wrong with you?"

"Katara's too young to date."

"Who said anything about dating?" I smacked off Sokka's ridiculous helmet. "You're too young to date."

Sokka pressed his thumb to his chest. "I am a man, Venus. I'm allowed to date."

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