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Scars POV 

When I walked out of the store I saw grian go to the side of the building, I was curious but I was also suspicious about the fact the he was here at this hour, so I went over to see him what he was doing, he had a coke and mentos in his hands and I knew exactly what he was doing. He sat the bottle of coke down and got a mento and put it in the bottle. 

The bottle went everywhere! It exploded like a(n) volcano!

Me and Grian were soaked in coke and he looked so happy which was quite cute..WAIT WHAT I did not just say that!? I thought and before I knew it Grian was looking at me and laughing about how i look dumb I guess because my hair was all over the place and my clothes were quite wet. 

Which made the number one hero look as stupid as ever, when Grian stopped laughing he walked over to me and apologized, which he has never done to "scar" but the number one hero.  -_- I mean I get it bu- never mind. I just said that it was okay and I would have to get going soon to dry my supersuit.

When we went our opposite ways I looked back at him and before I could say anything Grian was in the sky having the time of his life, swirling and flipping in the air. He looked really cool, cute, and for his small body he was very attractive in my opinion. I blushed at the thought I had of him but in my opinion he is very kind and aware when you get to know him.

Grian's POV

When I flew away I started to do some tricks because why not impress "Hotguy". "I wonder how he got that name~~, he actually looked really attractiv- STUP UP GRIAN" I thought to myself. I just decided to text scar because I was bored and I wanted to hang out, when I got back to my dorm.

—==-=-=-=-=-==-=—-=-===—=-==—=- ScAr GoOdTiMe=-=-==—=-==-=-==—==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==—=

Grian- hey scar, just wanted to talk to you because I am bored and don't know what to do so if you see this please text back because I want to talk to someone because I'm lonely rn. -_-

                                                                                                                Scar- hey buddy! Of course u can talk to me I am always here for you! So what do you need?

  Grian- I just want to talk to you because you make me feel safe and comfortable! :)

                                                                                                                Scar- awwwwwwwweeeeee really!

Grian- of course! You are the one and only best friend I could have! Except for Mumbo and Timmy of course!

                                                                                                               Scar- well it is such an honor! Do you want to call and talk or do you want me to come over or?

Grian- what do you want to do? I mean I would love if you came over but isn't it night?

                                                                                                               Scar- well I'll come over at anytime if you want or need me to! 

Grian- I would love that!

                                                                                                                Scar- well I'm on my way! See you in a little! Maybe about 30 to 35 minutes because I was just getting something!

Grian- okay!! See you in a bit!

-=-=-=-==—=-==-=—=-==-==—=-=-==—ScAr GoOdTiMe=-=-=—=-=—=-=-=-=-=-==—=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=—

When I got done with texting scar I changed into new clothes because I don't want scar to ask why I have coke all over me, I changed into a very big night shirt that says, "100% tired all the time" that is why I love it so much because it's so true! I started to make my bed, brush my hair, brush my teeth, and I WAS about to preen my wings when I stopped myself.

 "Why in the world would I preen my wings when someone is about to come over!? Even though they would look better, my wings are quite sensitive so I can make weird noises >/////< After my gay panic I started laying on my bed waiting for a knock on the door...

Buttttttttttttttt maybe a little bit would be ok to send dramatic messages and pics of cats! Because then he would be on the way real quick! I thought in my mind with a happy grin on my face.

Scar's POV (when Grian said that he wanted to talk to scar)

When Grian started to texted me I got worried because I thought he was about to ask if I was Hotguy because I didn't see to long ago at that store, but no thank goodness, he said that he wanted to talk to me because he didn't have anything else to do. Which I was very happy because he wanted to talk to ME of all of his friends, so I responded of course and now I am going to go to my dorm and getting changed(because of the coke explosion). When I got to my dorm it was about 9:20 and I wanted to get to Grian's at about 9:45 to 9:50 and that was good time to get there I think.

(Present time)

  When I got done changing and doing everything I had to do I got a notification from Grian texting me and saying, "areyoudoneyetareyoudoneyetareyoudoneyet" and also sending dramatic sad pictures of cats!

My tiny soul couldn't help but say, "aweeeeeeeeee" from the pictures and, "yep! I'm on the way!!" To Grian being dramatically sad but then super happy when I said that I was done.


!Read if you want! 🙂

Hey it's Piper or as you who follow me DNAwolf! If it's short I'm sorry I just wanted to post this one because why not and to go to part 3 of my first book! I hope y'all are having a good day or night and if you want you it would be nice of you to come up with stuff to put in this book! 

Love y'all pups!

(Scarian) enemy or lover??Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora