Perverted Freaks

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I smile as I walk back to the orphanage with my goodies. I couldn't wait to try dying my hair tonight. It will also be nice that people won't want to adopt me anymore now that my hair's gone. I hate when that's the main reason they wanted to adopt me. Now no one will wanna try to adopt me now, I'd rather have no family than some fake ass family. Mom was my one and only family in this world so I don't need another. I have one mom and that is it, I don't need any more moms.

"I haven't seen Mom's grave in a while, so I should stop by with some flowers."

"Hey Mama, how are you doing?" I grimace at the pervert talking behind me.

"I'm 14 now go the fuck away creep," I say and just kept walking.

"Come on baby, I bet that tight cunt will feel good around my fat cock."

I wanted to throw up so badly right now, "Leave me the fuck alone."

I started to walk faster but he got in front of me, blocking my path home. I glare at him not in the mood for perverts today.

"Are you hard of hearing or something? I said leave me the fuck alone you pedo freak, I am 14 years old and you're like 60. Go fuck someone your own age," I try to walk around him but I got nowhere.

He takes a few steps closer to me so I back up, "I'm only 34, baby girl. Now come nice and easy and it will only hurt a little."

The smile on his face creeped me out so much that I thought fast. I give him a hard kick to the dick before running around him. I didn't stop for anyone as I heard him screaming and running after me. I hope I find some cops that might help me out of this problem. My legs were wanting to quit on me but I just kept pushing. I soon spot Officer Joe and Officer Treasa coming out of the doughnut shop.

"Officer Joe, Officer Treasa, help I'm being stalked," I scream to get their attention.

They look my way and so I hide behind them to block that pervert's eyes from me. Officer Joe places his hand on his gun and steps closer to the freak.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with her Malcum?" Joe asked him.

"What nothing, I was just talking with her before she kicked me in the dick."

"What NO, that's not what happened at all. He wanted me to sleep with him and I told him no but he kept trying to get me to sleep with him." I shout as I hide behind Treasa.

The man makes a run for it and so Joe runs after him. I'm left with Treasa as we watch them run off, we share a look before she asks for a detailed story. So I give her a more detailed story of what happened before I shouted for their help.

"Hey Trease I got him and we aren't too far from the station so I'll walk him. You drive her back to her house and I'll see you back at the station." Joe came over the walkie.

"Got it, ok Sylvia into the cruiser," She led me to her cruiser.

"Woohoo, I get to ride in a cop car." I follow her to her cap and I get in the passenger seat.

I look at all the tools they have in the car and it looks cool but I keep my hands to myself as I don't want her to be mad at me. It didn't take long for us to arrive back at the orphanage so we got out.

"Sylvia, what did you do?" The caretaker shouts as she runs up to us.

"She didn't do anything, I was dripping her off after one of the perverted men in town tried getting with her. Be a little safer next time you go out, if something like this happens again just come to the station or your nearest cop." Treasa tells me and pats my shoulder.

"Will do, Treasa," I give her a smile before leaving for my room.

I take my clothes out of the bag and start to rip the tags off to put them away. I hide the bleach and hair dye so no one knows my plan till the morning. Some of the other kids ask to see my hall from town so I show them and they seem to like them.

"Hey Jerome, that's mine so give it back," I sprint after him as he snatched one of my hoodies.

"Nope, it's mine now Sylv's," He shouts as he runs away from me.

I was able to tackle him after he slipped on the hardwood floors, he taps out when I get him in a chokehold. I snatch my hoodie back and leave for my room, knowing him, he'll do this again so I'll have to hide my hoodie.

Later that night I waited for everyone to go to bed before I started to dye my hair in the bathroom. I make sure to follow the instructions to a T so I don't ruin my hair with the bleach. I just sit in the bathroom with my phone watching videos as I wait, every few minutes I check to see how the colour was.

Once I saw my hair was a light orange colour I called and washed the bleach out, I made sure to scrub when the water ran clean to make sure it was all out. I dry my hair with the hair dryer before I go to put the colour in, I make sure all the long parts are dry beforehand.

I read the instructions on the dye and got a new pair of gloves on so I can apply the dye. When I opened the container of dye it looked so cool, I couldn't wait to see what my hair would look like with it in. Good thing it's the weekend so I don't have school in the morning so I can stay up late tonight. I carefully put a plastic bag around my hair so it can set in my hair for a while.

As it sets I sneak downstairs so I can get a snack while I wait, I just grab a banana and an apple to munch on. I sit in the living room and start watching a movie as I don't want to possibly see naked people on late tv.

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