Valentine's Day Gifts Part 2

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I notice they are both dressed nicely in black dress pants, white button-down shirts, ties and vests. Drok had a black vest and tie while Raidin had a red vest and tie on.

"Haha, I just had to do it," Raidin said and hugged me then gave me a kiss.

The elevator came so we piled in and we went to the garage. I fixed up Raidin's outfit as there was his hair all over the vest.

"So what are you two dressed so nicely for?"

"Some boring work event my family throws every year and I can't miss it. A lot of boring shit you don't need to come to. Marvin is having that party at your work, why not go there and have some fun Sugarplum?" He holds me close.

"But it would be boring if you weren't there with me and you know the creeps that go to those parties. I'm fine on my own, I'll be crashing in your place as Damien is bringing his girlfriend over for the night." Oh, me saying that got a big smirk on his face.

"Oh really now? Well shouldn't have told me, that would be a nice surprise when I get home tonight."

"I know you like falling into your bed when you are really tired so I would not like to get crushed under a wall of pure muscle." I poke my finger into his chest.

"You never complained about it before Sugar." The smirk got a little more devilish as he leaned down to my face.

I go bright red knowing what he means. Drok just burst out laughing which made us laugh. We made it to the garage level so we all got out and walked to the cars. Raidin walked me to my car and opened the door for me. I got in and turned the car over as he closed the door for me. I roll the window down as he leans in. I grab his tie and pull him in for a kiss.

"Happy Valentine's Day Gummy Bear."

"Happy Valentine's Day Sugarplum."

We kiss one more time and I fix his tie again before he walks off to his car. I was off to the mall as I still was planning on getting him a gift. I make it and start looking around at the different shops to see what they had. None looked good enough for a gift so I also looked around for stuff for myself. 

I was out for hours and found nothing, they all looked boring and ordinary. Ordinary doesn't work with a man like him, I stopped somewhere for lunch as I try to figure something out. I get my phone out and text Drok.

S: Hey make sure Raidin doesn't see this and you keep your mouth shut

S: Got it?

D: Sure thing Sylv's, what do you need from me?

S: I wanna get Raidin a hunting knife for a VD gift

S: Where do you both get your stuff from so I have an idea where to look

D: Oh, go to No Escape Bounty Hunter

D: That's our go-to for our hunting supplies

D: They have a great selection

D: Just a hint he has had his eye on one special blade

He sent me a picture of a really cool blade so I downloaded the picture so it was saved on my phone.

S: Thanks so much man

S: I owe you one for the help

S: How do some homemade cookies sound for payment?

D: Deal!!!!

D: Raidin goes on about your baking even before you two met face to face

D: Have fun shopping

D: This chat will be deleted in

D: 3...

D: 2...

D: 1...

I laugh seeing the message chat slowly disappear on his end so I clear mine. I look up the address of the store and find it so I save it. When lunch was done I headed to the store and it was giant. I start walking around just to see what they have. I found the hunting knives so I looked around and I did spot the one Drok sent me.

"Hello there miss, is there anything I can help you look for?" An employee asked.

"I wanna look at that blade right there." I point to the one I wanna get.

He takes it out of the case and passes me it, I look at the cool leather holster it comes with. I took the blade out and it was large in my hand. I smile as it was perfect for him and that he wanted it makes it that much better.

"Hope your boyfriend didn't piss you off, for you to buy a hunting blade," He chuckles.

"Oh no this is a gift for him as he got me something so this is for him." I smile and place the blade back into the holster.

"Oh, well who's the lucky hunter may I ask?" He leaned on the glass case with his head in his hands smirking at me.

"Um, just keep it between us, Raidin Scarpelli." I blush to say it and I see his face go into shock.

"Are you the one he calls Sugarplum?"

I just go wide-eyed and cover my face with my hands. I drop down to a squat and squealed that he talked about me to other people.

"I am going to take that response as a yes you are her?"

"Y-yes I am, I didn't expect him to talk about me to other people." I stand back up and try to calm down.

"Haha well nice to meetcha and I promise to keep this transaction on the down-low. 'Cause Mr.Scarpelli is a great customer I'll give you a deal on the knife." He took the knife and got me one in a box.

"Thank you so much, that's very kind of you." I smile and go to the cash register.

It didn't take long to pay and I was out of there. I called a restaurant to make an order for dinner and it was to be dropped off at Raidin's place. I tell them I want it to arrive at the door around 5:30 so there was plenty of time. 

I did some more shopping for myself when I spotted a tattoo shop doing piercings for sale. I stop by and look around and they seem like pros so I talk to a worker. I tell them I wanna get an industrial and a conch piercing done. I wanted to get them done on my left ear as I keep my hair flipped to the right because of my scar. I sat down and let them get to work getting the placements right and getting everything clean. 

They had to work around my pre-existing helix piercing but they got it. I take a picture of them about to shove the needle into my ear to Raidin and Damien. I sent another one when everything was all done and cleaned of blood. They have me stay a little longer just to make sure I don't pass out or anything. I headed home after I was done with the piercings. The cold winter air of freshly done piercings was not a nice feeling at all. 

I dropped most of my stuff at my place after making sure Damien wasn't home yet. I just dropped the bags off and went to Raidin's place to relax and watch tv. I check on the piercings just to make sure they don't start bleeding. 5:30 came around and the food was delivered. I bought extra so if Raidin came home and was hungry he could have some.

I did my best to stay awake till he got home but it was getting later and later into the night. I place his gift on the nightstand with a little note for him to read. I sat watching tv for a while watching a monster movie. I passed out halfway through the movie.

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