My Dad's Alive??

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Sylvia's POV:

"I am sorry how our first encounter went but I am your father and I have proof of this." He said, pulling out his wallet.

I hated this man so much but he seemed desperate to talk to me. I see him pull out an old creased photo and pass it to me. I looked from him to the photo in my hands and my jaw dropped and I felt tears. It was Mom, she looked not that much different from my nightmare. I look from the photo to him and back seeing he looked like the man in the photo but older. I knew it was me as I can see the star birthmark I have on my lower back. He was telling the truth.

"I-I am so sorry for what I said, I didn't know you were alive. One thing I remember from mom ever about you was her saying 'He's dead to me.' C-can I keep this? I have no photos of Mom." I hold the photo close to my heart.

"Sure you can, I know this is sudden but I want you to move back in with me. I want to make up for the lost time we never got to spend together." He placed his hand on mine.

"One question before that, why didn't you come for me?" I kind of glared that he never did.

"When looking for you and your mother we never looked or listened to the news. I didn't want any distractions from our search, guess that was a mistake. I'm sorry for not finding you for all those years. Please, I wanna make it up to you," He pleaded.

"I'll move back for a little while but I wanna keep the house I have here. And I wish to keep my job working here. On those two terms, I'll go with you," I kind of demanded as I crossed my arms.

"Deal, I'm happy to have you back. I should warn you I did remarry and you have 2 twin stepsisters and a stepbrother."

"Um ok guess I can't really complain about that. As long as you're happy I'm happy which is all that matters."

"Let's stop by your place and gather a few things and head home."

"Um, tonight's my 27th birthday and we are having a party tonight. Do you think it can wait a little bit?"

"Oh, well how about I get something and come back so we can celebrate together."

"Sounds good."

We got up and hugged one another before he left with his guards. We have the other people in the bar pay and leave as it was more of a private party. When all was clear and we cleaned up most of the tables they made me sit down as they got the food. I laugh as I check my phone seeing texts from Marvin and his wife along with Damien. Some of my friends from the venue even text me a happy birthday. We all had a big group chat so it wasn't many different chats.

S: Awe, thank you all so much next time you all are here we should party

M: We are planning on visiting for the holidays and New Year's

M: Are you ok with that girl?

S: Sure thing I have nothing planned then

I move the talking to Marvin's private DM's so I can talk to him.

S: Hey so you know Mr.Nourse right?

M: Yes I do he's a VIP here
M: What about him?

S: Found out he really is my dad
S: He gave me a picture of me as a baby in my mom's arms and him

I sent a picture of the picture he gave me pointing out the birthmark on the back of the baby. Marvin has seen me near-naked many times and pointed out the birthmark to me before.

M: OMG you're kidding

S: That's not gonna change me just because I am one.

Soon the food arrives so I tell him goodbye before putting the phone down. When all were served everyone dug in and it was delicious. Dad and his guards soon came back with a large cake with them. He sat down and joined us, it was nice catching up and hearing stories from my past I forgot. We stayed an hour and a half before Dad and I left for my home. I wished everyone a good night and to see them soon. Boss gave me a week off since I rarely took vacations.

I gathered 2 bags worth of clothes before I left with Dad in my jeep and his guards in the car behind us. I followed the GPS to his place and he didn't live that far from me, only 30 minutes away. I was shocked to see how big the place was, it was a real-life mansion 4 floors tall and like 2 football fields wide. Dad has me park outside the front doors as his guards grab my bags. He leads me inside and I'm just in total shock looking at everything from the floors to the decor.

"Welcome to your real home, Rockstar." He said and some woman walked up giving me the stink eye.

"Welcome back darling, who is this skank?" She said to Dad and held him close

My eyes went wide with shock. She has the audacity to even say such things without even knowing me.

"Victoria, don't be rude, this is my eldest child, my firstborn. Her name was Dalila but she goes by Sylvia now." Dad spoke while placing a hand on my shoulder.

She just scrunches up her nose and looks me up and down giving a disgusted look.

"Careful witchypoo keep making that face you'll get wrinkles permanently on your face. Oh wait, there already are wrinkles, I see them now." I glare at her then smirk at her. "Show respect then get respect back. Keep making those faces at me then I will never show you respect."

She dropped her mouth like a largemouth bass looking between Dad and me. Dad was struggling to hold back a laugh. She was about to blow up at me when two girls squealed and run to Dad. Oh, my ears hurt hearing that damn squeal. I look at the two girls and I guess these are the stepsisters. They kept begging Dad to buy them something I don't even know as I was not paying attention. Soon both at the same time their heads shot at me and did the same as their mother did.

"Dad, can you show me my room? I'm tired and I need a shower." I ask looking at him ignoring the other three.

"Sure thing, let's go." He walks to the stairs.

I follow him with the guards behind me as we climb the stairs. He points out the master bedroom in case I need anything. Then we keep walking to a fully furnished bedroom. I walked in amazed at the decor, it was dark with black and purple. I just look at him confused as to how he got all this done.

"Marvin has been keeping me in the loop about you for the past few years. He knew from the first day I saw you at the venue. I wanted to bring you home then but then I heard you went missing." He said pulling me into a hug.

"I am so gonna kill Marvin. How long did you know I was in that town?" I wanted to know.

"1 and a half years, one of my guys stopped by wanting to get food and saw you. So I had my men check on you to make sure you were ok." He admitted.

"Why wait that long to talk to me?"

"I didn't know if you wanted to see me again after what happened. Also trying to find photos of all three of us together was harder than it seemed. I was also gonna wait longer but grew tired of just sitting back watching my baby girl growing up without me." He started to cry. "Ok, enough of me being emotional I'll leave you to rest, good night my little rockstar." He kissed my forehead and walked to the door.

"Night Dad sweet dreams," I said before he closed the door.

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