Realizing who she is

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I groan, wanting to scream at her for bringing it up again. I was nearly home when my phone rang so I parked the car in the garage and checked it. I see her beautiful smiling face next to the king. She really hasn't changed a bit but her hair did get longer while keeping a similar style. I save the photo with all the others I have of her. I get out and head up to the room, I grab a fist full of my own hair. I had let it grow out a lot over the years, I wonder if she'll like it long?

I made it to the floor and was about to turn down my hall when I looked back at her apartment. I never rented it out since she left. Damien lives there now keeping it ready for her return. I stomped over to her door and was about to start banging the door but stopped myself. I bet he knew where she was all this time but kept it from me. Guess she didn't want me to know at all. I just turn around and walk back to my place, kicking my shoes off and walking to the bedroom.

I just fall into bed as my mind goes to that day I first saw her. I really was about to take a shower when I was checking my phone and heard it going off. I soon heard her voice in the hallway. I went and peeked out the door to see her and I was about to say something when I heard her words. When I heard Damien shout for her to drop it I sprinted grabbing her. Got her on the couch and I held her down just in case the explosion was big. I was biting my tongue as I was butt-ass naked.

I apologized to her and left to get some underwear on before walking back to her. I froze looking at how beautiful she looked. I did look her up and down before talking for a moment. I was doing so much to not just take her here and now. Why did it have to look like she's only in a baggy shirt and that looks like one I own too? I picked her up and started to walk back to her place when Damien showed up.

I wanted to punch him for pointing out that I was only in my boxers. I noticed she seemed to be hiding herself in his embrace. I wish them a nice night and make my way to my room. I lean on the door and look at my hands as I think back to how small her waist was when I grabbed her. I didn't even think I had a thing for smaller women till now.

"Sylvia, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I will make you mine my darling Sylvia."

I went to do my normal thing till the King wanted to go to one of the shows. I was down as Marvin owed me drinks for letting her stay here. I was willing to wave that for how beautiful she was and that I wanted her. I mentally thank Marvin for finding such a beautiful woman for a bartender. I couldn't get her face out of my mind the last few days. She was even in my dreams. No one has ever captivated me like she has to even invade my own dreams.

In my best suit, I left for the venue to meet them there and as I made it to the top floor when I saw them. I go over and say hello to the king and his brother Mariano. The show was about to start so we piled in and sat at the VIP table. I looked at the bar and I wasn't seeing her there. I knew she had work today as I heard them leave. Maybe she's not at this party. They had like 2 others as well as this one. Food and drinks were served first before the show started.

I was disappointed she wasn't working at this party and I wanted to leave but I stayed just so I didn't have to make food at home. Shortly after finishing the meal and drinks I was gonna excuse myself to leave. The lights turn off and music starts to play. I just stay sitting as I might as well enjoy the show. I take a sip of my drink and nearly choke seeing her coming out in some short shorts and a crop top. I couldn't look away from her beauty and her amazing body.

'How has this woman taken over my life after only knowing her a year? Such sweet letters with such beautiful handwriting for me and those treats she bakes. Never saw her face yet she had made a claim on my heart. Now seeing her face my heart only beats for her, my beautiful Sylvia.' My eyes followed her around.

So that's the body she was hiding under that t-shirt. I watched her go around the tables and some people gave her tips. I couldn't look away from her every song she came out to dance and sing to. Soon a reminder from the DJ tells us we are not allowed to touch the dancers. I understood that rule but damn on how much I wanted to grab and hold her. She's rather short but damn is so curvy, I couldn't look away as she dances seeing her chest bouncing around.

The music started up again and some stripper poles came up from under the table. Once my eyes saw her in basic underwear I felt myself throb in my pants. I breathe out a sigh as she begins to work the pole like a professional. I got a bill from my wallet and held it out for her as she dropped down right in front of me. Even in the little amount of light, I can still see her beautiful green eyes as she takes it and places it in her pantie strap. Oh yeah, she is so gonna be mine.

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