Attempted Furnapping

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After 2 years of having Cookie and King, I got those doggie DNA kit things because I want to see what they are. Cookie, my cute cookie n' cream looking pooch, I found out she is an Aussiepom, a mini Australian shepherd and a pomeranian crossbreed. Then there's King, he's a Utonagan, an Alaskan malamute, Siberian husky and German shepherd crossbreed. Those were very interesting to find out and it makes them so cute. They are so friendly after a long time of being scared and timid little fluffs.

Whenever I take them out for a walk they always get stopped for pets. It's nice that people ask first before they pet them. I always made sure they were careful and moved slowly. Cookie loved the attention but King did not so much. He didn't like kids a whole lot, so he would just hide behind me. I give him pets to help ease his mind and not be so scared.

When Marvin, Damien and Shari came over for the first time I had them take it easy. They were new people and so I didn't want them scaring Cookie or King.

"So can you guys just sit down on the floor as I get the two fuzz balls?"

"I hope they like me, I love dogs so much," Shari said all excited.

"Yeah, that's why we have four at home," I hear Marvin say.

I bring Cookie and King out and they both go up and start to sniff them. Cookie was of course the first to be excited about her new friends. King was still hesitant so he just kept his distance.

"Who's this cutie?" Shari asked.

"That's Cookie and this nervous one is King," I rub King's ears as it helps calm him down.

Once Cookie and King got used to them we all started to hang out. King seemed to like Damien the most out of the three, Shari tried getting on his good side with treats. It worked really well as treats are his biggest weakness as well as ear rubs, he melts to those. Throughout the day Shari was just holding Cookie but Cookie didn't seem to mind at all because she got attention.

"I think we should head out before she starts demanding we get more dogs," Marvin said and laughed.

Shari pouts, "I have to go to the bathroom before we go."

"Is it ok if I stay a few days Sis, I just wanna hang with my sister."

"Sure you can, I always will have room for you in my home bro," I lean over and give him a tight hug.

"Ok, I'm ready to head out," I hear Shari say.

I turned around and noticed she gained a lot of weight after that bathroom trip. King walked over and grabbed the back of her jacket and started to pull her back and away from the door. Marvin, Damien and I burst out laughing knowing Shari was trying to puppy nap Cookie. My legs gave out and I fell on my ass from laughing so hard, Marvin was the next one to fall as Damien just flops over the back of the couch.

"It was worth a shot," She laughs as she pulls Cookie out and all her fur was electrified. "I can't get anything past him I see, I'll have to try harder next time."

Shari has tried to kidnap Cookie from me on more than one occasion as she said she would. It was always easy to know she was hiding Cookie somehow and some were funny to find how. She tries to hide Cookie in her suitcase, a cooler and she even hides her in their car right before leaving. Really hard when King grabs her to stop her from stealing his sister. I find it cute and super funny and it's also easy to notice as Cookie and King are impossible to separate. She knows about their separation anxiety so she only does it as a joke and doesn't really take her away from the property.

Whenever Marvin, Shari and Damien come over and we go out camping or are going on a long trip that the dogs can't come. They aren't too good with other dogs as Marvin and Shari do bring their dogs with them sometimes. My boss is always happy to take them in for a while when I am gone and I pick them up when I come home. Cookie and King love going to her house as they get spoiled by her, she's like their second mom away from home. They always have a new toy when I pick them up from her house.

Whenever Marvin and they come over we try to think of something fun to do so Cookie and King can join. Like any nearby event that takes place, we go and have fun. They will come over about 2-3 times a year, once during the spring, summer and winter. They will stay a week or two depending on how busy everything gets back in the city. I love it every time they come over to hang out. The dogs love them too and more with every visit which is great to see even knowing how they were at first. It's always fun seeing them all get along.

 It's always fun seeing them all get along

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