Mile High Club

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Raidin's POV:

Drok and I have a few beers, chat and watch tv as Sugar sleeps. We keep it down so she can fall asleep faster. We were up for a few more hours till the sunset.

"You look so much better that she's back man," Drok said while punching my shoulder.

"I feel better that she's back, 6 years on top of the already 14 years she was missing. I am never making that mistake ever again with her. If we leave for anything longer than a few damn days she's tagging along." I chug back my beer.

"I don't mind that as long as I get her amazing drinks, I'm down with her tagging along. Are you still planning on doing the, you know what this trip?" He whispers and just smirks at me.

"If I think the time is right, yes. I have the ring picked out and I just have to pick it up at the shop. A one-of-a-kind ring for a one-of-a-kind girl and I hope it's the only ring I will ever buy in my life. Thank you for everything you've helped me through these past 6 years man, you rock." I give him a fist bump.

"Anything for my best friend and the best brother in the world. We should hit the sack too, need to wake up early, best to get some sleep now then sleep on the plane."

I agree and we turn in for the night. I just go to bed in my boxers and cuddle Sylvia. I set the alarm to go off to wake us up. We were getting on a private jet so it didn't matter if we were late or not. I hold her close and drift off to sleep. I was struggling to even sleep as I was just excited to finally get the ring. I kept thinking if now is too soon to ask her but I would rather ask sooner than later. I glide my fingers over her ring finger thinking about that ring on her.

I finally did pass out after a while but that damn alarm clock had to interrupt my amazing dream. Sylvia rolls around to the sound so I shake her awake.

"Come on Sugar, we have to get ready for the flight." I kiss her cheek and get out of bed.

"5 more minutes please, you take a shower before me." She said while rolling over and hiding under the covers.

"Yeah, not happening."

I scoop her up and carry her to the bathroom, she was moaning and groaning. I just laughed as I stripped her clothes and she was glaring at me. We both get into the shower and start to wash up. I help with her back and she helps with mine. We didn't take long before getting out and drying off. She had me braid her hair so she didn't have to blow dry it. We got dressed, I just went with some track pants, a T-shirt and a hoodie. I see her get into some Galaxy leggings, a T-shirt and one of my hoodies.

We made sure we had everything we needed before going to the cars. Drok and I took my car as Sylvia took hers with the dogs. I have her follow me and we stop somewhere to get breakfast before hitting the airport. I think she caught onto my plan as we were not going to the main airport in the city. I saw her name come across my phone so I hit the green button.

"Yes Sugarplum, how may I help you." I just smirk.

"Where are you taking us? The airport is at the other end of the city."

"Oh, you'll see soon, Sugarplum just keep following me."

It took us some time but we made it to the airport and we parked the cars. We pass the keys off to the employee and we take our things out of the car. Another few employees take the luggage to the plane for us. I cover her eyes as we make our way to the plane. We stood a little ways from the plane and I uncovered her eyes.

"YOU GOT A PRIVATE JET," She shouts, making Drok and I laugh.

"Yes, we always take this company when we travel. We like our privacy and not having to be crammed with other people."

We made it to the steps and the dogs were skittish as we suspected. I carefully picked up King and she got Cookie. We carried them both into the plane and let them explore. She was shocked at the inside of the plane so I gave her a grand tour. There was a full kitchen, dining area, bedroom, bathroom and even a little home theatre. She jumped on the bed right away when we got there. I let the dogs in and closed the door so they were with her to keep calm.

"We are all ready to take off Mr.Scarpelli." The pilot tells me.

"Let's head out now the sooner we get there the better."

I go back and tell Sylvia we are taking off soon. I go and sit with her as the dogs cuddle up to us. I was happy they got us to me rather fast. I held King as he sat in my lap while the plane moved. We gave them some medicine to keep them calm while we took off and landed. It took no time to reach cruising altitude so we let the dogs roam around again. I roll over and pin her to the bed smirking.

"I had a feeling this was gonna happen haha."

"Mile high club will be getting two new members," I lean in and kiss her.

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