Valentine's Day Gifts Part 3

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Raidin's POV:

I was so bored out of my mind being stuck at this party. I just wanted to go home to Sugarplum, it sucked so bad that I couldn't leave till later. I mingle around talking to people I do business with to see how they are even though I don't give a shit about them. When I was alone I would just look at Sugarplum photos well her public-safe ones. I'm not letting anyone else see her the way I have, if they do they are as good as dead.

Many of the women at this party keep trying to get me alone with them in private rooms. I just walk away from them not interested in the slightest cause they're not my Sugarplum. She is the only girl I will ever look at as she has stolen my heart and that's one thing I don't want to steal back. I might just have to steal her heart in return, I wonder if I already have stolen it. 

I look at my watch and smile that she got it and got it was customized for me. I never take it off unless I have to beat the shit out of someone. I go to the bar and get a drink then go and sit down not wanting to be disturbed. I sit in silence as I sip my drink and scroll my phone. 

I hope Sugarplum is alright and no one tried to do anything to her while she was out today. I did notice I had some missed messages from her so I opened them seeing she was getting some piercing done. She looked good with them and she looked so happy. That is all I want, is to make her happy as Marvin told me about the life she had before he took her on. 

Everything I learned about her 14 years of life when she was missing just kept hurting me more. I screwed up so much back then but right now I have her and I will never let her go. I will do anything to make her smile and for her to be happy to make up for the lost time. That big cute smile that just melts my heart knowing I made her smile.

I had found the news articles about the crash she was in when she was five. Photos of the car crashed and up in flames on the side of the highway. They said it was estimated that their car was mistaken by gang members and her mom was shot and killed. She was dead before the crash and when the car caught fire. There was a photo of her in the arms of a fireman that pulled her from the crash. I could hardly look at that without feeling the pain and guilt that I caused.

I kept all that locked away in a safe at home so I remind myself why I do what I'm doing. Give her the life she should have had from the start. I also wonder what we would be like if she never went missing. Would we be married right now with kids or would we just have stayed friends? I bet she would have only seen me as her big brother and nothing more. For her, it would be strange to marry someone you knew all your life. Let's just hope that when I tell her the full truth she doesn't leave me.

I noticed the time so I got up and made my way out as I didn't want to stay any later. Mom and Dad tried to get me to stay but I wanted to spend the rest of the night with my girl. I said goodbye and left for my car with Drok by my side. 

I texted Sugarplum to see if she was still awake. I stopped and got myself some food as I was hungry and I didn't eat much at the party. I ate as I drove home when I noticed she never texted back. She has to be asleep right now, bet she had a lot of fun today.

I did drop Drok at his place and was on my way again luckily he didn't live far. I make it back so I head up, I pull my tie loose and unbutton the top buttons of my shirt. I make my way inside and I am quiet not wanting to wake Sugar. I go to the room and see her sleeping face and I see her new piercings. I was about to walk to the bathroom when I saw a box on the nightstand. I take the letter that was with it and read it.


To my handsome Gummy Bear,

Thank you for everything you do for me and all the gifts. I hope you love this gift I got you. You are the best thing to happen to me as you make me so happy. If I'm asleep when you get home, sorry I tried to stay awake till you got back.

Happy Valentine's Day Love your Sugarplum.


I smile reading that so I lean over and give her cheek a kiss. I take the box with me into the bathroom to unwrap it. I started taking off the wrapping paper and I was shocked she got me the hunting knife I'd been eyeing for a while. I was gonna wait till my current one couldn't be used anymore before getting a new one. I wanted to just tackle her and attack her face with kisses for this. She didn't have to do this for me but damn I love her more now.

"She had to have had help... that must be why Drok was laughing at his phone in the car. He so told her as he was the only one I told about the knife."

I just undressed and took a quick shower just to rinse the hair product out of my hair. I go get some boxers on and climb into bed cuddling her to me. I kissed her cheek one more time. Thank whatever God is out there that brought her back into my life. She is the definition of perfect in every way that she is.

The next morning I woke up and kissed her cheek before getting up and going to the kitchen to make breakfast. I go with Italian baked egg and sausage for breakfast. I grabbed the tomato sauce, smoked sausage and eggs from the fridge. I just sauté the sauce and sausage together, add in some Italian seasoning and the poached eggs, the perfect breakfast. I plate everything when I feel her hug me from behind.

"Good morning Sugarplum."

"Mmm morning Gummy Bear, something smells delicious. What are you cooking?" She said in a sleepy voice.

I turn around and pick her up, placing her on the kitchen counter. I hold her face in my hands being careful around her ear. I attack her face with short little kisses making her giggle.

"Thank you for my gift, I love it. I'm making a delicious Italian breakfast for us this morning. Let's sit down and dig in, I wanna know what you think," I give her one last kiss.

We sit in the living room to eat so we can just watch tv. I watched her take her first bite and her face said it all that she was enjoying it. I chuckle and I start to eat and it reminds me of back in Italy when my nonna makes it.

"That is so yummy, you have to make this again or you are giving me the recipe."

"Haha sure thing, you can have anything you want just say it." I kiss her lips.

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