Do not disrespect his Fiancée

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They knocked and Raidin said to enter, I thanked them as they opened the door for me to enter. Raidin and everyone at the table turned to look at me. Raidin got a smile seeing me and of course, eyed me up and down.

"A little something from Nonna." I place Raidin's coffee in front of him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Nonno, Nonna said it's time to take your meds." I walk to the other end of the table placing Nonno's meds and coffee on the table in front of him.

"Grazie Sylvia," Nonno said and gave my cheek a kiss.

I walked back over to Raidin and sat down on his lap rubbing his chest a little.

"Devi tenere a freno le tue puttane, questa è una questione importante e non dovrebbe essere permesso loro di entrare qui vestite in quel modo." One of the men said. (Need to rein in your whores, this is an important matter and they shouldn't be allowed to walk in here dressed like that.)

I felt Raidin tense up and was about to go off on the man. I pulled him in for a kiss but I still feel his tension. I pull the gun from his holster and fire a shot right next to the man. I pulled away from Raidin before turning to look at the man that spoke ill about me.

"Guarderei la tua bocca la prossima volta perché non mancherò di proposito la prossima volta merda. Sono il fidanzato del signor Scarpelli, quindi ti consiglio di guardarti." The man looked like he was ready to piss himself when I held up my left hand to show the ring. (I would watch your mouth next time cause I won't miss on purpose the next time scumbag. I'm Mr.Scarpelli's fiance, so I recommend you watch yourself.)

"Your Italian is improving very well Sylvia" Nonno complimented me.

"Looks like those training sessions worked out well, not just in your Italian but your marksmanship too," Raidin said with a smile.

"Awe thank you Nonno that's very kind of you, it also helps with a great teacher and a great marksman." I smile.

"Mi dispiace signor Scarpelli, non sapevo che questa puttana fosse il tuo fidanzato." He said again. (I'm sorry Mr.Scarpelli I didn't know this whore was your fiancé.)

I saw Raidin's jaw clenched tight. I hold the gun for him and he takes it from my hand and aims it right at the guy. He shoots the guy right in the head between the eyes. He placed the hot gun on the table and then pressed a button on a phone that sits on the table.

"Send in the cleaners, we have some shit that needs cleaning."

"Right away Mr.Scarpelli,"

Raidin takes his finger off the button, "Does anyone else want to insult my fiancé right in front of me?" Everyone shakes their head no, "Good, now Sugar what are you planning on doing today?"

"I'm gonna go for a run then I don't know, might go for a swim in that pool."

"I might meet you there when I'm done." He kisses me. "Now get that sexy body out of here, I don't want these pigs staring at you any longer. I also don't want to misbehave in front of Nonno." He grins as he whispers the last part in my ear.

I gave him one last kiss before I got off his lap and walked for the door. He gave my ass a slap as I left which made me smirk at him. I say bye to Raidin and Nonno before closing the door. I head back to the kitchen and grab a cold bottle of water. I hug and kiss Nonna before I run out the door. I do some quick stretches to loosen my muscles before going on my run. I wave hello to the employees I pass on my run and help out if they have a question.

I run for about 30 minutes before I turn back around and head back. I smile and wave to any of the guests we have at the villa. It was a perfect day for a run, not too hot and nice and sunny too. I make it back to the house and get changed into my suit. I go with a sun and moon star print lace-up tankini. I get a wrap on and make my way to the pool. I text Raidin that I'm going to the pool with a picture of my suit just to mess with him a little.

R: I am in a meeting and you know that

S: Yes
S: Yes I do know
S: That's why I sent it
*Devil smirking face emojis*
S: I sent it so you know to hurry up and meet me at the pool
S: I miss my gummy bear
*Sad face emojis*

R: I fucking love you haha
R: I'll be done soon Sugar

S: And I love fucking you
S: I mean what????
*Smirk emoji*
S: Love you too babe

I laugh and put my phone away as I make it to the pool. I place my things down on a chair before walking into the pool. I sat down in the shallow end talking with a few of our guests that were in the pool. We were having a nice time talking as a few other guests joined us. Some sat next to me so we could chat but one guy sat too close so I moved away. I rest my arms on the pool's edge so my ring can be seen.

I talk with this one lady that comes by and just pays to use the pool. We didn't care and she knows Nonna and Nonno so she can come any time. She even brings treats with her too and they are so good. I moved my arm as this guy kept trying to touch me and I was getting annoyed with it. She knows about Raidin's and my engagement so she can tell I was not happy but I didn't want to blow up at a guest.

"Oh, Sylvia I never got to see your engagement ring come here and let me see it." She asked so I moved to sit right next to her and let her see it.

She has seen it already but playing like she hasn't to get me away from this guy. I just give her this look of 'thank you for saving me'. BUT NO this guy got up like a few minutes later swam around and sat right next to me again. I was a hair away from knocking this man out.

"So when's the wedding if you have a date picked?" She asked.

"Oh, we are planning it for the 18th of December because that was our first date like 7 nearly 8 years ago. Gonna have a big winter wonderland wedding but I am going with a non-traditional dress."

"Ohhh tell me everything, I need the details." She looked at me excitedly.

I was about to speak but I felt eyes on us and looked behind me. I saw Raidin standing there smirking, then laughing.

"Damn it, so close to hearing about your dress," He laughs.

"I know when you are staring at me, now get that ass in here and join us." I laughed that he tried to sneak info.

Radin walked into the pool right over to me. He picked me up and sat down with me on his lap. I hug and kiss his cheek but he kisses my lips. I glare at the man that was flirting with me and I see the fear in their eyes. He moves far away from us and it made me chuckle. I rest my head into the crook of Raidin's neck and smile. Raidin rests his head on top of mine as we talk with the guests.

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