Got to get out of here

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Sylvia's POV:

I was just laying in that damn bed he made us share as he lay next to me. Oh, how I wanted to bash his skull in for doing this to me. But there is no way I can get out safely without his people killing me.

I get up from the bed and look out the window hoping to get free and rid myself of his child inside me. I can't be a single mother to a child let alone to his child. I jumped as he came up behind me wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my belly.

"8 months to go baby girl till you give birth to my child," He said and started to nibble my earlobe.

I just bite my tongue as I know if I talk back he'll do it all again. Man, he really has nothing on Raidin when it came to sex, it was always painful and had no foreplay. Soon dinner arrived so we ate in the room at a little table he had set up. I just eat whatever they give me as I need the food to keep my energy up as I'm hoping to make a run for it soon.

While being stuck here I found out Raidin is a mob boss which made sense to me. His guns, why he didn't want me touching anything at his warehouse. Why he had no trouble beating those guys up at the venue, it all just clicks.

He was gonna get ready for bed when someone burst into the room, "Boss they're here."

I look at him and he just smirks, "Get everyone ready, you stay here baby girl."

I gag a little in my mouth to him calling me that. He quickly gets dressed before leaving the bedroom. I look out the window seeing a large group of people walking to the front door. I could easily spot Raidin as he was upfront and center. I grit my teeth as I was still pissed with him for what he did and had the audacity to try and save me.

I get up as the sound of footsteps stops and I try the door. I smiled as the moron forgot to lock it so I checked the hall and there was no one. Knowing they'll all be at the foyer I go the other way. The moron should not have given me a grand tour of the place. Wish he didn't give me the tour while butt-ass naked in a collar and leash though. I felt so embarrassed as his people took photos of me while he did that.

I made sure to double-check around corners before going so I didn't run into anyone. I burst through the door and I was outside finally, I smiled seeing the full moon. It was a beautiful sight to see. I spot the multi-car garage so I sneak over and spot the keys. I spotted one I knew that was worth a fortune as Raidin owned it and told me how much it cost. I knew I could sell it off for some cash easily when I needed to dump the damn thing.

I grab those keys and hit the unlock button so I run over and hop inside. As the garage door opens I readjust the seat to fit me before turning her over and slowly pulling out. I leave the lights off as I drive away from the place to the destroyed front gate, guess that's how they got in.

Good thing the gas tank was full so I didn't have to stop and get some as I had nothing on me. I try to think of where I could go as I didn't want to go home just to see him every day. I need to get far away from here and also the city. I have to find somewhere to lay low for a while as I do not want Raidin or his people to find me.

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