Tying the knot

15 1 0

Raidin's POV:

I take Sugar by the hand and walk her back to the car where my famiglia is waiting. 15 killed was an easy take-back and he now knows to not fuck with me again. Before we get in the car I give Sugar a deep longing kiss. I let her get in and I closed the door before I got into the driver's side. I lead us back home as I hold her hand the entire drive.

"At least this gave a good test run for the trackers." I smile.

"How long did it take you to realize I was gone?"

"You normally take 3 minutes when not on your time of the month and around 10 if you are or not feeling well. When it hit 7 minutes I knew something was up and started to look around. When no one has seen you around for 15 and I heard Grayson was gone I checked the tracker and saw you were leaving."

"The fact you know how long I take in the bathroom is strange but guess it's a good thing now." She leans over and kisses my cheek. "He was gonna touch me and make me his but when I went on and on about what you did to Armani. Oh, that made him stop in his tracks and sat there butt-ass naked listening. He looked like he was gonna throw up when I went into detail about it all."

"Haha yeah that man may be a boss but he doesn't handle gore as I can. He will shoot someone and then leave the room letting them slowly bleed out. When the person is dead he lets his men handle everything from thereon. Me, I love getting hands-on with everything, I especially love getting my hands on you Sugarplum." I grin, grabbing her thigh and giving it a squeeze.

"How about after the party is over we have some fun one on one." She walked her finger slowly toward my groin.

"I can never say no to that Sugarplum, getting to please that hot body of yours is always oh so fun."

We make it back to the Villa so we all park and walk back to the party hall where the women are waiting. Nonna rushed up and hugged Sugar and kissed her face. Sugar just giggles as she gets attacked.

"Are you ok cara mia, oh you must have been so scared," Nonna said, holding her face.

"I'm alright I promise you. He didn't do anything to me, let's get the party started again and have some fun."

Nonna agrees so the DJ starts to play music and everyone goes on as if nothing happened. Grayson's sister came up and apologized for her brother's actions. She doesn't deal with the family business so I tolerate her marrying into the family.

I did spot my family and hers were also here which pissed me off. When she was done talking with Sugar I took her to a more private room. We sat on the couch with her on my lap as we kissed. I didn't care about the party anymore, I just wanted my girl.

We were there for 20 minutes making out. I would tease her here and there by groping her ass or making her grind her hips on me. We were about to leave when Drok ran up to us looking excited.

"Dude, Nonna and Nonno gave you the villa, you're the next vintner."

"Um, what's he talking about?" Sugar asked.

I just have her follow me as we go back to the room and walk onto the stage.

"Let's congratulate our next generation of vintners for the Scarsangue winery," Nonna said and everyone clapped.

"Thank you, Nonna and Nonno for passing the winery down to me. I would have to talk this over with Sylvia before making the final decision on the matter." I look at Sugar and she looks so confused as to what's happening.

"What is going on?" He got on her tippy toes to whisper into my ear.

"I do have another announcement I would like to make." I turn to look at Sugar, "Sylvia, from the moment I received that first letter from you, you have owned my heart. Every day I got to see that stunning smile and being around you made me so happy. I knew that you were the only woman for me and I hope to be the only man for you." I pulled the ring box out of my pocket as I got on one knee. "Sugarplum, will you marry me?"

"OMG YES," She screamed and rushed into my arms kissing my lips.

As we kiss I slip the jeulia beating heart skull design heart cut sterling silver ring on her finger. I hear everyone cheering and Drok just tackles the two of us on the stage. I was able to keep my balance so we didn't fall.

"HAHA, my man is finally tying the knot." He shouts as he hugs the two of us.

Nonna and Nonno came up giving us hugs and kisses to congratulate us. I pulled out the ring I got myself, a red, black and silver tungsten Celtic dragon scroll ring. It will be my engagement and wedding ring in one. Sugar really loved the look on me which is what I was hoping for. We held hands as we walked and talked to others. I would make sure my family and hers stay away from us. I can see the engagement announcement pissed Quin off which is what I like to see.

We didn't stay much longer as Sugar was getting tired so we called it a night. We get back and get into some more comfy clothes to sleep in. I had her sit on my lap looking at her left hand and seeing that ring. It made me smile that she said yes and only being back in one another's lives for a short time.

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