Marrying the Creep Brother

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I jumped down from the railing and was about to run for the door when my father came outside. Dad's eyes bounced between Raidin and me. I guess my makeup was ruined and running down my face.

"Come with me, the both of you," He ordered.

I look at Raidin confused and now scared but we both follow him. I cleaned my face up a little as I didn't want to look like a total mess. Raidin's entire family follows along with even Victoria, the twins and Maxwell. Father leads us all to his office and has us sit down, some stand as there isn't room for everyone. I was gonna sit beside Raidin but the twins pushed past me and sat down next to him. I grit my teeth and sit in a lone chair. The room was just silent for the longest time till Dad cleared his throat.

"Sylvia, I have some news for you. Quinzio Scarpelli has asked for your hand in marriage and I said yes." He said looking at his desk.

"Daddy I would like to marry Raidin if we're on this topic." Tweedle bitch (Ivy) said, raising her hand.

I look at Dad shocked and grit my teeth, I ignore what the fuck that bitch just said.

"You fucking kidding me?"

"No, I am not my dear." He looked me dead in the eyes.

I stand up and move my dress exposing the handprint bruise he gave me on my hip.

"You see this, this is what he gave me just having one dance with him. I will never marry him, I will never marry ANYONE from their messed up family." I point to Raidin's parents. "You do not control my life, I can't believe you're doing this again. THIS IS WHY MOM'S DEAD."

I turn on my heel and storm out of there. The moment I make it to the hall I sprint to the foyer with tears running down my face. I quickly grab my keys from the box we keep them in. I knew where I parked my jeep last so I sprint for it. I got in and started her up and drove off tears still streaming down my face. I drive straight back to my house not caring about the speed limit. I was surprised I wasn't pulled over by the cops. I made it home safe and sound and rushed inside after unlocking and locking the door.

I run to my room and just sit on my bed balling my eyes out that he would do this all over again. Why Quin, why him he is such a fucking creep, Dad didn't even look shocked seeing the bruise he left behind. I take the dress off and just get into a baggy T-shirt and some underwear. I was about to jump back into bed when I heard my doorbell ring. I quietly go over to the front door and take a look through the peephole. I see Raidin standing there so I ripped that door open as fast as I could and jumped into his arms.

"What I said back there WAS NOT aimed towards you, please believe me."

I just cling to his body, my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips. I feel him walk inside and close the door behind us. He places his hands on my ass as I give him directions to the bedroom. He sits down with me in his lap, one hand on my ass still while the other plays with my hair.

"I know and there is something we should talk about before we go on Sugarplum." He spoke softly but I could hear he was angry.

"Is it about us knowing each other before the accident?"

I feel him pull back looking at me confused, "I thought you said you had no memories before that happened."

"I still don't, your mom brought it up so I guessed our families went back to a time before we met... again I guess."

"Yes they have been close, well more your father and my parents were. Your mother hated us, she never showed it but she did. I have known you since the day you were born and I was 8 years old. We saw your mom in the hospital and your mom asked if I wanted to hold you. I said sure so I sat down and she passed you to me. You just laid there asleep."

I just sat there listening to him explain our past together. I just picture a cute 8-year-old Raidin with baby me in his arms. I wonder if Dad has a photo of that, I'd love to see it.

"I liked playing with you whenever my family would visit because back home it was serious. My parents were moulding me to be the killing monster that you see in front of you now."

I did not like hearing him calling himself that so I stopped him by kissing his lips.

"You are no monster, you think I would have stayed with you if I thought that? Yes, you scared me when we first met but that was 'cause of how big and intimidating you were. You defended me when I got assaulted, I saw murder in your eyes but when you looked at me it was gone. I never have nor will I ever see you as a monster."

"Thank you Sugarplum. But yeah so I never got to have fun and I didn't have friends back home. Whenever we went to your house, you and I would just play whatever and I had a blast. Fast forward to a few days before you went missing, my parents told me, a 13-year-old child. I was having to pick someone to marry, back then I thought "marry" was a game like house or mommy and daddy we played. I fucked up saying I wanted to marry you thinking it was just a game." He didn't look me in the eyes saying that.

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