The Bodyguard

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Slowly I got settled in and got used to the layout of the apartment as well. Everything was so cool, the furniture wasn't to my taste but hey free stuff. I still don't get why Marvin is ok paying for me to live here and pay for me to work for him, it doesn't make sense. Maybe things work differently here than they do back home, I just didn't know about it. I do hope my bodyguard is a nice person, I can't handle living with them if they are a creep.

I hear a knock at the front door so I go over and open up to see a man standing there with a bag. It's been 3 days so he must be the bodyguard, I give him a smile and offer my hand.

"Hello, I'm Sylvia and you must be the bodyguard Marvin told me about."

"Damien, nice to meet you. May I be shown to my room, " He asked.

"Sure this way," I escorted him to his room.

I give him space so he can settle into the room and I go make us some lunch as it was noon. I go with some grilled cheese and just hope he's not lactose intolerant. I also fry up some bacon to add to my grilled cheese and it is so much better with it. He came out shortly after just as I was plating the food.

"Are you hungry, I made grilled cheese," I smiled and offered him a plate.

"Thank you," He said and sat at the kitchen island before he dug into his food.

It was just silent as we ate and he didn't seem like the talkative type of guy. I just kept quiet as I didn't know what to say or ask. He doesn't give off that creepy vibe the guys back home do so that's good. Once he was finished with his grilled cheese he brought it to the skin and cleaned the plate.

"I'm going out as I have some cars I need to transport here, don't wait up for me."

"A-alright, stay safe Damien."

And he was soon gone out the front door. While he was out I just cleaned up the place a little. I wish I had a heads up when he'd come over so I had time to clean. As I was cleaning I started moving things around as I didn't like the layout. It was harder with the large couch since I'm short and not all that strong.

I just do this for a few hours when it comes to starting to make dinner. I had planned on making tacos, so I got the burger I left in the microwave out and cooked that up first. As that slowly cooked I went to get the taco seasoning from the cabinet. I got the step stool as I was too short to reach the taller cabinets.

"I hope he likes tacos," I say to myself.

Once all the burger was cooked I added the water and season packet and let it cook down. I prepare all the toppings like tomatoes, cheese, lettuce, peppers and onions. I had to keep wiping the tears from my eyes as I cut the onions.

"Why must you make me cry every time I cut you," I hate cutting onions.

I just do my best to cut them fast and get them plated. I open the hard and soft shell tacos so he can pick which one he'd like more. When all was done I started to build my tacos as I was hungry from moving all the furniture. I use the soft and the hard shells and add cheese in between. I add the meat, cheese and other toppings as well as sour cream on top.

I hear the front door open, "I'm back."

"Welcome, I made tacos for dinner if you want any." I offer as I go to the living room to eat.

"Thank you for cooking, that move was a lot of work and I am hungry."

I smile that he was grateful for my cooking, I'm getting on his good side I hope. When he got his food he joined me in the living room. I offered the remote to him so he could pick something for us to watch. He picked some cop show and it looked cool so we agreed on it. Even though we haven't said much between us he does seem like a cool and fun guy. 

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