Life as a Boss

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Raidin's POV:

I bite my lips feeling my growing need for her as I look at that photo and remember how she felt around my fingers last night. I lick my lips as I think about her taste and the way she moaned my name. Damn it, I hate that I needed to go off to work. Whoever that fucked me over is so dead meat for taking me away from her.

I get in my car and race off wanting to get this done as soon as possible. I had to get her off my mind as I was throbbing in my pants for her. I blast music just anything to get her off my mind as I pull up to my warehouse blazing pissed. I park the car wherever and walked in, my crew looked scared that they pulled me in on my time off. I rarely get time off as it is so that just makes it even worse that I was dragged here.

I grabbed a hold of Dario's jaw making him look at me, as he was the one that called me. I can see in his eyes he was terrified as I bet he can see how pissed I am.

"Tell me again why I was needed so badly you pulled me from my prior engagement?" I can feel him tremble with fear.

"A-an entire shipment of our weapons h-has gone missing Mr.Scarpelli."

"How can an entire shipment just go missing?"

I pull out my switchblade from my breast pocket. Oh, that got him even more scared seeing beads of sweat forming on his forehead. I place the blade under his earlobe making sure he feels it.

"W-we don't know, we checked all the cameras and they were turned off before they went missing. All footage before was whipped so they knew what they were doing," He cries out seeing tears form in his eyes.

"So we have a thief amongst us, as only trusted members have the key to the security room. So it's either one of them or someone stole the key. Get everyone in my office and lock the doors," I order and they do as I say and I leave for my office.

I sit in my chair pulling out my Beretta 92 from the locked door of my desk and start to clean it as members fill the room. Making sure every inch of it was spotless and that it had a full clip. I see my men flinch with every noise it makes. Pushing the clip back in and making sure the safety was off I looked up to my crew. Keeping the gun in hand I lean back and place my leg over the over looking at each one of them.

"So someone here thinks they can steal from me and not get in trouble. Clearing the security footage was smart but not smart enough. All that footage gets backed up to my computer and only I have the code to open it. I also have cameras linked to my computer alone so let's watch and see who our traitor is. Unless they wanna step forward right now?"

I look at everyone seeing their reactions and wait a moment to see if anyone will step forward. When no one does I pull up the footage on the flat-screen seeing Flavio in the security room after hours. I pause the video to him flipping the camera off before it goes black.

I looked at him and he looked scared before he had a chance to run. I had my men grab him and bring him to my desk. Slamming his face into my oak desk and I move closer grabbing a fist full of hair.

"I trusted you, we grew up together like brothers and you betrayed me with Gaglioffo Armani? Hope it was worth it cause now you'll never be seen again," I shove the barrel of my gun in his mouth. "Just a reminder to everyone to not cross me again or you'll be getting a worse punishment." The men behind him make a run for it as I fire the gun and he goes limp.

I pull the gun out of his mouth and grab a rag to clean it. I order them all back to their posts so they begin to leave when one of my men gets shot. I grit my teeth and we all pull out our weapons as we get ready for war. I look out the window and I see Armani's men using my weapons. He's dead for stealing my things and keeping me away from my girl even longer.

My men scatter and start to fire back. I open the arsenal of weapons I keep in my office. I shot all that even tried to take me out. When I run out of bullets I'd use my hand and fists. The thought of her kept me going to make sure I made it back to her smiling face.

This fight lasted hours till Gaglioffo was the last man standing... well for now. I had gotten shot a few times but nothing too bad as I stepped over to him cleaning my hands. I make sure to not show pain as I stand in front of him. The white snow turned red with blood as it dripped down my arm.

"Mmm you did me a favour, now I don't have to chase you down myself, Armani."

I breathe a little heavily from running around dodging bullets seeing my breath turn to fog as it hits the cold winter air. I glared at him, pissed he had to go ahead and ruin my plans for today. Now Sugarplum is gonna worry about me even more now that I'm hurt.

He spits at my feet, "Rot in hell."

"Oh, I'll see you there myself, say hello to the devil for me." I grab his head and twist hearing that satisfying snap, "Clean the shit up."

I turn and walk away feeling lightheaded from the blood loss. I can't go back to her looking like this or she'd demand I go to the hospital. I get in my car and drive to a trusted member's house that's a doctor so she can treat me.

It was nighttime when I arrived so it was best no one saw me soaked in blood. She opened up seeing me breathing heavily and leaning on the door frame. She rushed me in and took me to the basement and got me to lie down. As she works to take the bullets out of me I grab my phone from my pocket seeing it was trashed. Crap I know she's gonna freak when I get back. When she is done I pass out needing sleep so I can leave ASAP.

I had stayed three days before I left, even though she told me to stay longer. She had my car cleaned of the blood so I left and getting a new phone was my first thing. I get the new phone and I put her number in first and call her as I drive. I call her several times and my calls never make it through to her.

"Damn it Sugarplum, don't be mad at me, pick up your phone."

I get Marvin on the phone needing to know where Sugarplum is as she never ignores my calls. Now knowing she's at work makes sense now, she never picks up unless she's on break or done work. I go to the venue and grab a bag of clothes I leave in the trunk of my car for backup. I head inside and to the washrooms to get changed into fresh clean clothes.

I leave and find Marvin telling him to get Sylvia and bring her to an empty VIP room. I make sure he doesn't tell her why but just for her to follow him. We go our own ways and I go to a room to set it up to make it a little romantic. Candles light and roses I got on the way here.

She was gonna be one of two things either mad or happy to see me. Bet she tried to contact me these past few days and grew worried. I stood tall with flowers in hand as I stood in the darkroom waiting for her to enter the VIP room.

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