Piercings and Tattoos

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Damien would come over whenever he had days off and not go on dates with his girlfriend. He would spend many nights over at a time and I love having him over. King loves it too as Damien is his second favourite human in the world. We would chat for hours and I had him come over to work to hang out as I work. He would get drunk off his ass with my drinks as he is still my taste tester. I have had to drag his ass out of the bar when my shift ends way too many times. I'd send pictures and videos of his drunk ass to Marvin and he'd be laughing.

"You know what would be cool to do together," I heard Damien say as he came into the living room.

"I'm all ears," I shift so I can look at him as he sits next to me.

"How about we get a tattoo or a piercing together? I want something I will always be reminded of such an amazing sister." He pulls me in for a hug.

"I love it, I was thinking of getting new piercings anyway so this works."

So one weekend Damien came over and the two of us went to a tattoo parlour to get our piercings done. I went with a tongue piercing and he got spider bites. I had a lisp for the longest time till it healed completely.

When I decided on getting my first ever tattoo Damien came over as it was a beautiful phoenix tattoo I wanted. Since it was my first tattoo, the artist let me use that numbing cream as it was a large chest piece. Damien held my hand the entire tattoo process. It took a while to get done but it was so worth it. We did have to do a few sessions to get all the details.

"I knee tattoos take a while but damn haha this is a long time but thank you for doing this tattoo. I'll so come back here when I think of any other tattoos I want," I wince as the needle hits a sore spot.

"Come by anytime and Hey don't forget those drinks you said you got me," my artist chuckled.

"Oh yeah just come to the bar any time and the drinks are on me but only for you," I chuckled when the needle was away from me.

A year after that a good friend from work had come up with such a cool art piece they drew up. I loved it so much that I said I would get it done on my thigh, they loved the idea that their design would become a tattoo. We split the cost of the tattoo job and went to get the appointment and we were off. They watched as their art was being permanently put onto my body. When my tattoo artist got to the vines that went up the ribs ohh did that hurt like hell. When I got that tattoo finished I got some dolphin bite lip piercings, as I thought they were cool.

Another year later that same friend, I had paid to make a cute back tattoo for me. I vaguely remember Mom calling me her little moonflower. I had her make a large back tattoo, from my neck to my star birthmark, a long vine of moonflowers.

"Hey Sylv, I'm done with that tattoo design you asked for," I looked up as I was cleaning the bar.

She held up the paper and I started crying when I saw the finished artwork. It was far better than anything I could think of. I just rushed to her and gave her a big hug.

"I love it so much, thank you," I said through my sobs.

I even started to cry again when I got to see the finished tattoo. When I got that tattoo I never told Marvin and everyone else so they saw it the next time they visited and were shocked. Damien always knows when I plan a tattoo or piercing but I wanted it to be a surprise for the others.

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