The perfect gifts

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Sylvia's POV:

After getting dressed I headed out and on my way to the mall as I kind of knew what I wanted to get Raidin for the holidays. One day at work he was talking to Marvin about getting a new watch, as his watch wasn't working. So I plan on getting him a new watch but thinking of what would suit him the most is the hard part. He likes wearing dark colour clothes and isn't into flashy things well other than his cars being flashy. 

I walk around looking in shops and booths to see what will work. He always wears his watch on the arm with the graveyard tattoo on it so something that works with that. I open my phone looking at the pictures I have of him, which I took while he wasn't paying attention. The tattoo is mainly black and white with his tan skin tone, along his wrist, being the darker part of the tattoo. So I look at the watches and then at the picture trying to imagine him wearing it. Also, want something waterproof and heavy-duty.

In the last store, I went into I found the perfect match that would be perfect for him. It was on the expensive side but thinking of all the gifts he's gotten me it's worth it. So I got the sales ladies' attention so I could look at the watch. I zoomed into his wrist and placed the watch on my phone screen and I was right it looked great with his tattoo. I pass it back smiling.

"I'll take it and can I get the back of it custom engraved?" I asked as she took it back.

"Of course, you can, what would you like it to say?" She asked, she passed me a pen and paper.

I write down, Thank you for everything <3 S.P, I passed the paper back. "I would like that on the back, please. Oh, on the face of the watch can I get something added too?"

"Sure you can, it will be extra."

I make sure it's known where each is going so I write his name to be put on the face of the watch in gold letters. It would take a few days so I left my cell phone number with them. I pay half the price now and pay the rest when it's done. I double-check to make sure his name is spelt right.

I leave with a smile to do a little more shopping as I want to get something for Damien, Marvin and his wife. They did so much for me this past year. I wanna thank them. I got Marvin and his wife a gift card for their favourite restaurant so that they can have date nights.

Damien, I go with a new leather jacket as he's planning on getting a motorcycle sometime in the spring. Damien is more of a car guy but seeing me having fun riding a bike got him wanting one. Raidin is also thinking of getting one so we can ride together. I'm so excited to ride around town on our bikes.

When I was done with holiday shopping I headed back home knowing Damien isn't home. I can get in and out without him seeing his gift and ruining the surprise. I put the gift in a hidden location in my room so he can't find it.

Over the next few days, I wait for the call or text about the watch. It took a week to get done so I left to go and pick it up and it was perfect. I brought it home right away and wrapped it. Marvin, his wife, and a few friends from the venue would be coming over.

Damien and I were cooking the turkey and some other things as everyone else was bringing other things we needed. Most of the day was cooking and preparing for everyone's arrival. We have some music playing in the background as I check on the turkey. Damien walks out in his suit as he tries to deal with the tie. I roll my eyes and go over to help him put it on.

"I don't know how I can never get the hang of putting it on," He laughs.

"It takes a good hand to learn these things." I smile and place it right, "There, perfect."

"Thanks, sis, you're the best haha," He kisses my cheek.

"Awe and you're the best brother I could ever ask for." I give him a big hug, "Merry Christmas Damien."

"Merry Christmas Sylvia."

"I am so happy to spend the holidays with such an amazing brother and friends."

"Now go get ready, they should be here soon. I'll get the rest set up for their arrival."

We go our own ways and I go to my room and get my dress on. A pretty red and black Christmas elk snowflake print lace-up dress. I check myself out in the mirror and give a twirl. I set my phone up and hit record, I stand back and give a twirl.

"Merry Christmas Raidin, hope you have fun with your famiglia," I say and stop the recording.

I text the video to Raidin before I make sure my makeup is all good and the doorbell rings. I join everyone as they enter and take their jackets off. I take them to the spare bedroom we have.

We get everything set on the table before just hanging out in the living room. We put on some movie background noise as we talk. I go over and start to make some drinks for everyone. I go with sweet and not too strong. It's too early to get everyone drunk.

Marvin came over to take the drinks to everyone as I made them, "Hey so where's Raidin, is he a no-show?"

"He has a family dinner today as well so that's what he's doing."

"Oh, I see, bet ya miss him," He crosses his arms leaning on the counter.

"Shut up Marvin," I look away from him blushing.

"Haha I'm teasing but man, I never thought I'd see the day you fall for a guy. I thought when I took you on you were lesbian. A full year working under me and most of the time the girls date one or two customers. Even just hooking up, but never you. What made you fall for him?"

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