| Pregnancy 04 | Mild Jealousy?

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[ Eren's P.O.V. ]

Eren : I'm home Levii!

I spoke loudly to make sure Levi heard me. I closed and locked the front door and placed my bag on the couch in the living room. It was oddly quiet, maybe Levi's showering? I walked upstairs and quietly made it to my and Levi's room. Unexpectedly, the door was closed. He closes it when I'm gone? Why? As I got closer to the door, I started to hear small noises. Ah, now there are a lot of scenarios playing out in my head right now. Levi could be playing with himself, or he could be cheating on me, or he could be doing something else that doesn't involve anything sexual too.

Well, I'm about to find out.

I pushed the door open with little force and saw Levi lying in bed, on his phone. There go my dirty and negative thoughts out the window. But what is he so intently focused on that he hasn't noticed or heard me? I slowly walked to his side of the bed and was contemplating if he has seen me but is pretending he hasn't or if he really doesn't know I'm here. I kneeled silently and rested my head on his shoulder while looking into his phone. To my surprise, he was on social media, looking at the thousands of fan pages made of the both of us. My my, I didn't expect Levi to enjoy these types of things. He pressed on a certain account that had memes of us. Many of which are funny little stories made with poor photoshop. Levi chuckled as he proceeded to click on a post and read it. And holy fuck, was it funny. Levi laughed out loud, taking me by surprise but I too joined him. It was really funny. I need to follow that page. Levi immediately shut up and looked at me with a shocked expression. I laughed even harder at his widened eyes and pink-tinted face. He didn't do anything other than stare at me like I had teleportation powers. All the while I kept laughing. It took me a few minutes to calm down but I eventually did and stared at him with a large smile.

Levi : When..When the fuck did you get here?

E : Hmm, like four minutes ago? Five maybe?

L : How the fuck did I not see you..?

E : Beats me. But here I am! Ready to drown you in my affection.

L : hm..I suppose I don't mind.

E : And horniness.

L : eren..—

E : I'm kidding~ Did you eat lunch yet? Should I make you something? How has your day been? Anything new happen? Also, I didn't think I'd see you on social media again~ whys that? And that page is funny, what's their user? I want to follow them.

Levi huffed and rolled his eyes.

L : I ate lunch already. No, I don't need you to make me anything. My day has been the same as always. Nothing new has happened. I forgot I had social media so I decided to explore more of it today. And I'll send you their page right now.

E : Good good.

I got up and removed my coat. I then made sure to hang it, knowing well if I left it somewhere around the house, Levi would hand my ass to me. Doing so, I felt his gaze on me as I hung it NEATLY. And as soon as I turned around to look at him, he looked away, satisfied. I rolled my eyes and plopped onto the bed. I took grasp of Levi's waist and pulled him toward me. He accepted his fate and lie there with me as I peppered small kisses on his neck.

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