| Happy Father's Day! | (18+)

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Eren's P.O.V.

Levi : Happy Father's Day daddy~

Levi said as he held Erin in front of his face whilst gently shaking her, making her laugh in the process.

Eren : Oh my gosh, thank you cutieee~

I replied in a hoarse, raw voice before chuckling. Never thought I would wake up to Levi straddling my lap with Erin sitting in front of him who's smiling down at me and looking into my eyes with her bright ones. And I definitely didn't miss the way Levi's blue-gray orbs were gazing down at me with pure affection—much like Erin's but with more passion.

This is surely one of the best things I've ever woken up to.

L : Good morning. I made breakfast today, so get up before it gets cold.

Levi spoke softly before getting off me and walking out of the room.

...Wish he would've stayed on me for a littler longer. He looked so damn adorable.

Anywho...I did as Levi told me to. I got up but before I went downstairs, I took a quick trip to the bathroom to relieve my bladder. Also, I didn't forget to wash my hands thoroughly and dry them before zooming downstairs and almost falling down them like Lynx has multiple times. Thank the gods I caught myself! I met Levi shortly after that whole...chaos and gave him one big hug from behind as he stirred his tea with a spoon.

L : There you are. Coffee, tea, or fruit infused water?

He asked and turned his head to look me straight in the eyes.

E : Hmm..fruit infused water!

I smiled widely. Levi was quick to nod and walk over—pull out a large and transparent beverage dispenser from the fridge.

L : It has mint leaves, cucumbers, and lemons. Still want it?

E : Of course. Sounds great!

L : Alright. Your breakfast is on the table, by the way.

I turned my head and saw a two delicious breakfast sandwiches sitting there, waiting for me. Beside it was Levi's, except he only had one. Reasonable. His appetite is going back to how it used to be, small portions but at least not toddler sized ones.

E : It looks so fucking delicious.

L : 'Looks', better tell me how it tastes. And be honest.

He smiled small and handed me a clear glass of the water with a few slices and bits of the ingredients it contains. I took it happily and with Levi, we walked over to the table and sat down.

E : Where's Erin?

L : Upstairs, in her crib. I already fed her earlier and you know how sleepy she gets every time.

E : Right. Wait-she sleeps a lot now that I think about it.

L : I'm sure she got that from you.

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