| Zeke found a Lead? |

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Levi's P.O.V.

It's been some time since Mikasa and Jean got married, and ever since, life has gotten back to our old ways. Except, instead of Eren working, he stays home and helps me with Erin. Now that I'm not pregnant, I'm able to do as I was able to before. Walk for hours on end, clean without having to take constant breaks, have sex comfortably with Eren, work out and regain my abs that were almost gone, etc.

It's been great, however, I knew parenthood would be difficult, but I believe I underestimated it, and I'm sure Eren did too. The more time passed, the more Erin grew slowly but surely, and the more she went through the stages of development that are...unpredictable at this point. I mean, I've done research regarding child development and I thought it wasn't gonna be THAT bad but fuck.

Three months in and she's developing faster than most. I didn't know a lot of the things she was doing at two months were things three-month-year-olds were doing. However, I found out when her pediatrician did her checkup on Erin and pointed it out.

What really got Eren and me was when she was angry. I was downstairs at the time, cleaning the counter when Erin began crying. Eren shot up from the couch—almost dropping his laptop but catching it before it hit the floor and said he'd take care of it. I handed him a bottle full of my milk, just in case she wants that, to which he took and zoomed upstairs with a big bright smile on his face.

From there, all I heard were Erin's continuous cries quiet down eventually, however, when Eren came back down with her in his arms, he had a small but visible red mark on the left side of his jaw.


Levi : Woah, what happened to your jaw?

I questioned and walked over to Eren to touch and get a closer look at it.

Eren : Levi, her strength is no joke.

L : What?

E : She punched the fu—living out of me.

L : ...I find it hard to believe a baby would be able to punch and leave a mark like that on someone.

E : Check the footage from the baby monitor and find out then.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I turned around, took my phone from the counter, but looked up at Eren to ask him one more thing.

L : Why'd she 'hit' you to begin with?

E : I think it was because I took too long to give her the bottle.

L : ...what were you doing aside from handing her the bottle?

E : Talking to her! I was intending to pick her up and then give her the bottle but as soon as I leaned down to pick her up, she swung at me with her fist, and guess what?!

L : ..what?

E : The force almost made me fall back, THAT'S how hard it was!

L : ...there's no damn way.

I shifted my gaze down upon my phone and opened the baby monitor app. On there I replayed the footage a few minutes back only to see exactly what Eren had described...she swung at him from her crib and he was seen to nearly have fallen back. Fortunately, his hands were quick to grasp the heavy crib bars and with that, he was able to gain his balance just fine.

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