| Catalina Island | (Day 1)

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August 15, 2023

Third-Person P.O.V.

The days leading up to now were the same for Eren and Levi. There wasn't one day where anything would change. It was always the same routine for both males. Levi would get up early, shower, take care of Erin if she was awake, and if not, immediately feed Lynx (& spend time with him), clean, eat breakfast, spend time with his family, clean, spend time with his family, play outside on the grass with Erin, admire the unique things Eren would bring from the forest, clean, eat lunch, feed Erin whilst spending time with Eren, clean, spend time with his family, eat dinner, feed Erin, put Erin to sleep with Eren's assistance and drown in Eren's overwhelming affection that he suffocates him with every night.

And Eren? He would wake up exactly two hours after Levi, and if Erin was awake, he'd take care of her knowing well enough Levi was off cleaning, and if not, he would immediately shower, make breakfast for both him and Levi, spend time with his family, go off exploring in their forest, come back with a few things he found to show off to Levi, help Levi with anything he could, make lunch, spend time with his family, work in his and Levi's office for a good five hours, spend time with his family, make dinner, help Levi put Erin to sleep, and shower Levi in his undying, everlasting, unwavering love.

In short, it was great, but it didn't take long before that same routine began to get boring. If there's one thing Levi and Eren don't really do even though they have the money and time to do, is go out. Yes, they would go out sometimes but...not enough to say that it happens frequently. The only times they go out are for buying groceries, shopping for necessities, eating out at restaurants that they can't order from, go to parks, anddd...nothing else.

Quite boring, isn't it? I mean, sure, there are a few things that you could say are fun, such as shopping, eating at restaurants, and going to parks, but there is more to the world, as we know. And with the life they were granted, why not take advantage?

Eren was hit with that realization when he was sitting on the couch with his family, Levi cuddled up next to him with a playful and energetic Erin sitting in between his legs, playing around with a bucket of squishies, flexible and safe stress balls, plushies, and colorful foam blocks.

On the TV was seen several beautiful locations from all around the world, and that was enough to make an idea pop into Eren's head. He nor Levi are getting any younger so...why not go on a vacation?

Eren : Levi,

The raven turned his head, his eyes looking into Eren's.

E : Let's go on a vacation.

Levi : ...why so...suddenly?

Levi questioned in a surprised tone, his eyes now slightly widened.

E : Why not? We have the money and time...it's like we're taking our fortunate life for granted...

The raven thought to himself for a moment, reflecting on Eren's words and taking them in. Many thoughts ran through the male's head, many of which were about Erin and how they would handle going somewhere with her for the first time. Another thing was the media, paparazzi in other words. Eren and Levi are well-known enough to have paparazzi, and the fact they will be exposing their daughter to that at her age makes Levi's stomach churn in irritation.

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