Chapter 9 Keerti gets angry

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Seeing that, Shiva angrily came near them and beat them as if he wanted to.  No matter how much Aishwarya tries to stop him, he doesn't listen.

Unable to do anything else, Aishwarya forcibly takes out Shiva from there.

No matter how much Aishwarya cools him outside the house, when Shiva does not calm, Aishwarya comes to Shiva gently and holds his shirt, pulls him close and kisses him on the lips to calm his anger.

Shocked by what she did accidentally, Shiva kisses calmly.  It's been a while.

"Oye what will anyone see".

"What else do I want to do, You are so angry and still I don't know how to cool you down".

"Is it" Shiva says intensely and grabs Aishwarya and pulls her closer.

"Hey what's up."

"You said it yourself, I'm still not get out of my anger so come cool me" he says and kissed her lips again.

After a while, Shiva says bye and leaves from there.

Aishwarya's elder sister is watching all this from above.

Their elder sister Kirti calls Aishwarya "Aishu" when she comes to the room.

"What sister".

"Who is he...??

She feels a bit tensed and innocently asks "Who".

"You don't need to act innocently, I see everything".

"Did you see".

"Who is this new bf..?"

"Sister" Shouts out angrily.

"Shut up you waste fellow, how many people are you fooling around like this..? You are not bored at all.

I have to remain silent because I can't do anything because you are my sister, That's why I don't do anything while you doing such poor things. But you are crossing your limits. If you are like this, something will definitely happen to you. Till Then we No one will be with you, remember."

But unfortunately they believe you, because they don't know that you are something like this."

"Stop it Sister, enough is enough. This is my life, I don't need you to tell me what I like.

And Shiva knows everything about me, and by knowing me, he is staying with me like this".

She tells her sister wrongly about Shiva and goes away from there.

Shiva completes his M.Tech.  He also gets a job in campus placements.  Monthly 5 lakhs package but as the higher pressured him to show a project as a demo as a matter of urgency he said ok.

He gets a job in Siddharth Group of Constructions.  But as the headquarters of the company is in Bangalore, he has to go there unexpectedly.  Along with him, his best friend Vikram also gets a job in it, and they go to Bangalore together.

No matter how many times Siva tries to tell Aishwarya about this matter before going, she does not pick up the call.  If he calls again it will get switch off, he goes to her house, if he asks the watchman about Aishwarya.

He said, "Aishwarya ma'am is not here, she went out sir."

When he asked "where", he said "don't know" and that day Vikram Siva left for Bangalore on a flight.

Landing in Bangalore, Shiva calls Aishwarya once again.  By that time, when she did not lift, both of them go to the room.

Next day Shiva and Vikram give their presentation well prepared.  All the managers and highers like their presentation very much.

"Congratulations Shiva and Vikram you both are did a good job keep it up".

"Thank you sir"

"Thank you sir"

They shake each other's hands and the meeting ends.  Everyone leaves from there.

Shiva is freshen up in the room and stands by the window thinking about something, meanwhile Vikram comes near to him.

To be continued......

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