Chapter 28 Aishwarya exposed

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Shiva gets a call while doing some work in the garden.

"Hello who is this..?"

"Hello good morning sir I am Jai."

"Ho morning Jai. How far has the matter come."

"Your suspicion is true, sir. It was Aishwarya who did the fire accident. As everything did not reach the fire main room, we found finger prints on the door. Aishwarya's finger prints were also there."

"Without taking a chance, we checked the CCTV footage in the garden because the windows were open in Priya madam's room, so we also checked it."

"Though it is not so clear, if we check with the technicians it turns out that it is Aishwarya."

"Very good work. Well done Jai" says Shiva.

"Thank you sir. What is the next step. Can we take her in our custody."

"Yes Mr. Jai just do it."

"Ok sir we will be there in five minutes."

As Shiva's anger increases, he becomes angry, "You have already spoiled my life and now you want to spoil Priya's life as well" Irritation, anger and disgust are all mixed up in Shiva.

In that anger, Shiva went directly to Aishwarya and slap her cheek in anger.

Aishwarya falls on the sofa next to her the force he hit. As everyone is there, everyone looks over and wonders what that sound is.

Priya, who is in the kitchen runs to the hall to hear the sound.

"Shiva what happened? why are you angry?  Anything wrong?" asks Venkat.

"Ha, uncle. The fire accident in Priya's room was not due to the shot circuit. It was due to the poor work done by this bitch," Shiva says through gritted teeth.

Everyone looks at Aishwarya in shock.

"What Shiva you say."

"Yes auntie I didn't tell you this that you are all happy but the one who is spoiled my life is her. Now she has come down to such a terrible thing to ruin my dear life too."

Aishwarya shouted angrily saying, "Hey Shiva, don't talk rubbishly. What are you talking about? What the hell is wrong with you. What's the point of me playing with her?"

Aishwarya's another cheek gets a sharp hit before finishing her words.

It was Ravali who struck, not Shiva.

Ever since Aishwarya came, Ravali had a doubt from the start that she had seen her somewhere. She didn't pay much attention then, except that she was busy with marriage work and became silent.  After that, when she asked to Vikram, Vicky tells the truth and knows the truth and she's waiting for a good time.

Now seeing her saying something about Priya, she can't handle her anger and hits her.

Aishwarya closes her mouth at that blow.

Shiva's anger was increasing. Priya went to his side and gently held his hand saying "Shiva relax ma" He can't control his anger till Priya reaches him. And he got cool.

That's when the police also came. The lady constables are taking Aishwarya into their custody.

"Leave me alone. What have I done? Leave me alone. You don't know who I am. If My father has come and he will definitely see your end." She shouts in anger.

"Your father is already in the jail where you are going, both of you, count the straws," says Shiva with a crooked smile.

With shock, "Why is my daddy in jail. Don't dare to talk like that shiva." She spokes with shiva unmannerly.

When She says that, Priya gets angry and goes to Aishwarya and slaps her twice.  Aishwarya's cheeks turn red so much that it is impossible to forget.

Pointing her finger angrily, Priya gives a stern warning saying, "He is my husband, learn to speak politely first. Be careful if you talk about Shiva like this and your mouth will fall out. I am not as silent as I look, mind it."

At Priya's words, all the anger in Shiva flew away and he looked at Priya with a small smile.

All the police arrest Aishwarya and take her away.

To be continued.....

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