chapter 23 Shiv's Realization

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"Mom, at least why don't you tell me. You know everything about Priya, but why did you hide it from me? If you told me, I would have bowed before her."

"Shiva, then you didn't used to listen to us. Even Vijayawada, you left without listening to us. What else do you want me to say?"

Shiva remembers everything he has done by his mother's words.  Realizing that he left to Vijayawada just for Aishwarya and not even listen their words. For that he hates himself now.

"Ok you come first Priya needs you" everyone goes to Priya's room.

Priya, who has just woken up, pushes the plate aside without eating Devi's food.

Shiva, who had just arrived there, was heartbroken to see Priya like that.  Tears are coming out of the his eyes and he clenching the teeth so that no one can see.

"Auntie wait I will feed her" he takes the plate.

"Okay, let's go, he will take care of her" everyone said and left.

Priya turns her face to the side when she sees Shiva coming near her.

Seeing that, Shiva said, "Oh, after you turned your face away, but here you eat." She pushed his hand aside when he was about to feed her.

"Pch Priya you should eat a little and take a tablet".

"I don't wanna eat, I don't wanna take a tablet, why would you care about me, why should you go and look after your work" she says angrily.

Shiva says "I'm sorry, I didn't know anything, I shouldn't have said that, I'm really sorry" and she stops him as he comes closer to her.

"Dear, please, I don't know about you. I say that in an anger, please forgive me. He said and holds her hand.

Priya shakes it off and tries to leave.

Seeing that, he held her tight and made her sit on the bed again.

"Leave me Shiva, I have to go" but he hugs Priya tightly and says "I'm sorry Priya, I'm really sorry I didn't get to know you" He says with a sad face.

When she hear sad words from Shiva. She gets tears in her eyes and immediately she too holds Shiva and cries.

No matter how much she loved more than her life, she didn't stay angry for long.

"I'm here waiting for you like a madman for all these years, but how can you say such words about me" she says crying.

By her words, he remembers what he said an hour ago and feels ashamed of himself.

"I'm really sorry dear" while he holding and kiss on her forehead and lovingly placing food near to her mouth.

"I don't want" she says dully.

"What's wrong, come? Your health is not good now. It would be better if you eat quickly and take tablets, come".

At his words, Priya cries silently without saying anything.

He saw it and said, "Oh, what happened, dear..? Why are you crying?"

"Shiva, all my memories are kept very safe in that room. They are very important to me. They are more important than my life. But today someone did that wantedly to make me cry."

When listening to Priya's words, tears come to Shiva's eyes, not only because Priya is crying but also because of the feelings that are burning in his mind that she loves a man so much and hides it in her heart that too a girl to a boy.

"I will definitely find out who did this. Don't worry. I will definitely find out and kill them."

"Then eat now dear" he says lovingly with a sad face.

At those words, she looked at Shiva and felt very sad knowing that he was suffering and immediately opened her mouth cutely.

Shiva kisses Priya on the cheek telling her "That's my girl". For that Priya bows her head shyly.

Seeing her shyness he feel happy and gave water after feeding food.

Drinking them, she sadly says, "No matter what you do with them now, my memories will not come back, Shiva."

"What if you don't have memories. The person who is the main lead of those memories has now become you. We will have full memories for life long, won't we?"

Priya gives a small smile to his words.

After Priya eats, Priya calls out "Shiva" as he was going to leave.

A little back to that, "tell me dear".

"I love you Shiva, I love you so much" she said lovingly with tears in her eyes.

At that, he put his hands on his heart and said, "Waoh dear you touched my heart." He hugged her tightly and kissed her on the cheek lovingly saying, "Love you too, my lovely little doll."

To be continued.....

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