Chapter 11 Keerti exposes Aishwarya's matter to Shiva

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"His condition is not good now, can you come again anytime".

"No, no, I have to talk to him now, please."

"Ok come in. You sit here and I'll go and get him".


"Shiva someone has come for you".

"Hey I can't talk to anyone right now. Please, tell them to leave."

"I have tried to say a lot but the girl says she needs to speak very urgently with you".

"What are you" he came into the hall and said, "look miss, I don't know who you are. I am not in the mood to talk now, come later. Go".

"No, Shiva, I need to talk to you urgently".

"I already told you to move and go first".

When Shiva was about to go into the room again, "Shiva, I am Aishwarya's elder sister".

Hearing that, Shiva stops there and comes back, "You are Aishu sister, did she send you to me. I know she did not cheat me. There must have been some mistake in the house. That's why she could not talk to me. Is this what happened..? I mistakenly thought that she was wrong."

Shiva is talking like that without giving even a little gap.

"Wait Shiva wait, I have the same confusion, that's why I have come so far to clarify today".

"What's the confusion" with a shock face.

"Ha, now after listening to you, I got complete clarity. Actually, when I saw you in the traffic, I got doubt and came to you knowing your address".

"What are you talking about, I don't understand".

"I'm here to say everything clearly".

Just as she is about to say that, Shiva gets a call from Aishwarya.

Aishwarya comes to know that Keerthi has come to Shiva and tries to stop her from telling him, because she is afraid of where she will expose her matter.

Seeing Aishwarya's call, Shiva gets very happy and going to picks up, then Keerti pulls the phone.

"Hey it's your sister, give it here I will talk".

"No, first you have to listen everything I say. Even after that, if you still want to talk to her, your wish I don't interfere".

She tells Shiva all about Aishwarya's matter.  "Like this it goes around using you and enjoying with other people" says the whole bead.

"What" says Shiva & Vikram both at the same time with shock.

"Yes, here are the proofs," Aishwarya's pictures on her mobiles all show.  Seeing Aishwarya being with other boys is very disgusting and Shiva gets so angry that he breaks the phone in anger, Keerti sees it....

"Oh this is my phone master, wait a minute".

"Actually I wanted to tell you this matter before, but Aishu told me that Shiva knows everything about me. So I didn't care about anything else".

"Okay then, I'll go".

"Wait a minute" says Shiva.

"I mean when, you know all this why you are so silent".

At that word, Keerthi laughs a smile.

"Why are you smiling?"

"What else can I do without laughing. That also happened, brother. The first time she did this, I told everything at home, but they scolded me. And that's why I kept silent and left it as if it was dead".

Vikram asks, "If Aishwarya did that, why did they scold you?"

"Because they are not my parents. They are not my family".


"My dad Raghunath is the founder of the most popular airlines, Digital Airlines. He established such a big company and now he has achieved such a good name".

"But one day when mummy and daddy were travelling, due to climatic conditions, there was a car accident and both my parents died".

"Now Aishwarya's father, Ramgopal, used to work as a chief executive manager for my father. Whenever my parents died, since then, they forcibly took all my property from me and they are enjoying all my properties unjustly".

"Is it, what do you not say..? If they are doing this much".

"I was just eight years old when they died. At that time, what do I know? They are doing all this by pretending to be in love with me. Even though I have been waiting forever to make a name for myself and deal an irresistible blow to them. That's why it hurts me to see you. I feel like, you don't know the truth and I came here now". 

To be continued.....

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