Chapter 24 Priya's heart broken

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"Ok you rest for a while I will be right back."

"I will come with you."

"No dear take rest doctor told you to take rest."

"No I'm perfectly alright now."

"Hmm.... You are a stubborn girl, you don't listen to that at all" He said and take her with him. Priya's steps stop near her room as she going to downstairs.

By the time the fire engine arrived and it was too late to extinguish the entire fire, the entire secret room would have been burnt down. The curtains, bed, pillows and sofa there were slightly burnt as the main room was also burnt.  By then the fire engine will come and put out all the fires.

Seeing Priya standing in front of her room and looking inside, Shiva gently leads her inside.

Seeing everything there, Priya couldn't stop crying. But she controlled herself that Shiva would be sad to see.

Both go into the secret room.  There are all burnt things, books, papers, gifts.  Shiva sees them all.

Priya went to one side and when she opened a small steel door, she saw a half-burned kerchief.

Dusts it till it burns and touches it lovingly to the her heart.

Seeing that Shiva comes to Priya.

"Shiva do you remember this..?"

He seemed to remember something after seeing that kerchief, "This is my kerchief, isn't it? How did it come to you? I thought I had dropped it somewhere."

"Remember, you joined me in the hospital."


"On that day, due to the negligence of the ambulance, the door of the ambulance got crashed my hand. Then you tied this kerchief to my hand."

"Ha remember" said Shiva as he was about to take it.

She Pulling it back, "What are you taking away? This is my gift. It is my first gift that you have given my life. I will not give this to anyone. And she hugs it to her heart."

He smiles a little at that and mischievously says, "Here is a man, you can give me that thing instead of giving it."

"Oh, don't give it like that."  She smiles and looks at the photo next to her.  Immediately all the happiness on his face disappears.

In that pic, once she saw Shiva coming towards her and while he was talking on a call, she took a selfie with Shiva from a distance without knowing it.

Even the first time the picture comes out very well.  She takes the same picture in a big frame and keeps it in that room.

Infact her mobile wallpaper is also the same picture.  But now when the whole frame is broken and the photo is almost burnt, Priya becomes dull again.

Seeing her in pain, Shiva did not know what to do and immediately took her away.

Seeing that Priya is still moody even after going downstairs, Shiva asks, "Gold, why are you still like that, is it about that frame?"

She says "Hmm" in a dull mood.

"Hmm, Don't worry baby, how about you have the original photo, let's frame it again. If you want, let's make it bigger than before, okay?"

Priya smiles a little and says "okay".

Days go by like that.  Siva is investigating how the fire accident actually happened.

Shiv Priya's marriage date will also come. For the first Shiva doesn't like the marriage much. That's why he wanted to do it normally.

But when he starts liking Priya.  After realizing how much she loved him. he arranges this wedding in a very grand way to gift her as a sweet memory of her love.

Friends, do you also secretly love someone like this without them knowing? If so, even if you don't tell me, don't deceive yourself and don't give up on that love.

To be continued....

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