Chapter 22 Shiva feels regretfull

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"Vicky why are you dragging me like that I'm a human not an animal can't you take it a little bit slower" he shouts angrily.

"What is it hurts? You are a boy, if you are in this much pain. What a pity the girl must be in such pain. While, you are dragging her like that.

"Why Shiva are you gonna mad? Why did you take her away? What did you say after come into the room and she fell down?"

Shiva remains silent without speaking.

"Why don't you talk? Tell me what did you say to her about?" asks Vicky.

"Anything else like that. Just looking at her makes me mad. Leave me alone."

"Why are you so angry? What happened? What did she do to make you angry?"

"What did she do? In the beginning, she gave me lectures saying that everyone are not like that. But now, she cries so much because of what she put in that room. It makes me go mental when I see her like that."

Vicky gets angry at those words and slapped Shiva's cheek very harshly.

Shiva looks shocked.

"What is this Vikram?" Shiva shouted angrily.

"Otherwise, do you think everyone will be like your Aishwarya. My Priya dear is gold. If you say any thing about her character again, I will definitely kill you."

"What, bought you Priya with so much love and what did you two do" Shiva's cheek swells before he can finish.

This time when the blow hits hard, he goes and falls on the bed.

"I will kill you bloody. You completely dead as a human being. If you reach a state where you don't even understand what you are talking about, you will be disgusted."

"All this is unnecessary. You should know what's in that room right, you should see it. Look here," says Vikram, and he opens the pics on his mobile and throws them on the bed.

While leaving Priya's room, Vikram took a some pictures without her knowledge. Because, Priya's love with him will be a little proofs if anything happens by mistake.

Seeing so much anger in Vikram, Shiv gets scared and takes out his phone.

After seeing all those pics, Shiva gets a mind block.

"Hey Vikram, what is this..? Even though everything here is related to me, my photos, my magazines, all my things are there" Shiva looks at him without understanding anything.

"Do you want to know the truth? Can you bear to hear it?"

Shiva says sadly "Tell me Vicky please" without understanding anything.

"How many words did you say about her, man. Are you the real man."

"Please tell me Vicky I'm going mental."

He said, how much Priya loved him.  How she turned his back every time.  Vicky tells him how she spends her days looking at him and how she spent her entire life.

Shiva, who is listening to everything, suddenly collapses on the bed.

"You doubt her about, why does she cry so much? Look, It's the matter that's why she suffered so much that she lost her life, when they are burning. She's really crazy. Do you understand now?"

Shiva couldn't stop tears from crying as he was ashamed of what he had done.

"Hey, how poor I really am. Even then, all this love is waiting for me and I don't even care about it, I don't even see Priya."

"Now and again, if I have the same love, I made her heart break by saying unspeakable words that she doesn't likes, without understanding her love".

"I am truly a bad man" he beats himself.

Seeing that, Shiva keeps crying non-stop no matter how much Vicky says "shiva stop".

Ravali who came there said, "Shiva, why are you bothering with all that now. First you come, Priya is waking up. Let's see her."

Shiva holds her saying "Mother" and cries.

To be continued......

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