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--<-<-<✿ (*≧ Will mommy wake up again? ≦*) ✿ ->->->--

--<-<-<✿ (*≧ Will mommy wake up again? ≦*) ✿ ->->->--

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➴ A taennie story...ლ

Jimin's POV

I was at Jin's place since he has some connections where to get some girls to have 'fun' with. I don't know who this person is or how he met this person, but it benefits me so I won't complain.

Jin and 2 girls walked downstairs while their laughing in excitement. Both were really beautiful but not as beautiful as I wanted them to be.
"Jimin, this is Jin-Ae and Kyung-Mi" he said while pointing first at the brown haired girl and then the black haired girl. Both were wearing mini skirts and a crop top, probably because they thought it would attract me more.
"Nice to meet you." I leaned my head a little as a greeting. "Jin, I don't wanna sound to mean, but couldn't you get me more pretty ones?" I responed. You could see the smiles on their faces quickly fading. 
"Stop being so picky. These are some of the prettiest girls you can hire from my business partner. And how do you expect me to get you a girl that you like when you say you don't even have a type? " he said bitterly.

I grined at his answer. "Don't worry, I have a type now. Let's go, ladies." I said as I walked out of the door. 
"Wait how? since when?" He yelled after me. 

At the same time me and the girls strode out, I saw Jisoo. She was about to enter the mansion, probably to give Jin his homework that he is for 'sure' going to do. Not. We both pretended to not know each other as we continued walking. Which was good since it would look weird if we would had talked to each other if we don't have to. It's not like we are friends or anything.

I unlocked my ferrari while the girls looked impressed at it "Jimin-sshi, I love your car, it lookes expensive" The brown one said, I already forgot her name. "Thank you, baby. Get in" I answered smiling. As soon as they entered I made an annoyed face and mumbled  for myself "All girls are the same" and also got in.

"What did you say Jimin-sshi?" The black girl asked, which I also forgot the name of. "Nothing" I said. 

My phone started ringing and I saw that it was Taehyung
"We might have a problem" he said concerned 
"What, what happend?" I asked
"I can't talk on the phone, come to the base, I already informed the rest" 
"Okay I am coming"

"Girls I have to delay our little meeting" I said. "Maybe next time. I'll drive you guys home"
"Jimin-sshiiiii, pls don't let us go. We wanted to have a little fun time with you" The girl with brown hair said as she touched my hand. I quikly pulled away. I don't know what's wrong because normally I don't mind when a girl like her touches me, but I kinda felt disgusted. Which is not typical for me. 
"Sorry, this is important." As I started driving.

At the base

I parked the car and saw that the others were already here because their cars were already parked. I went inside into the meeting room and saw how the boys were standing around the big table. 
"So what's wrong?" I said slowly as I stepped to the table.
"Good, you're here now" Taehyung said "We might have a big problem. You guys know these girl Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo and Rose right?" we all nodded and he continued talking. "They might suspect us" 
"How?" I asked 

"Well good that your asking, it's because of you" He said looking at me with a judging face.
"What? that's not possible. I didn't tell them anything. "
"Maybe you didn't tell them. But me. Remember when those girls had a fight with tzuyu and her friends? You asked if we should interfere and then called me boss." I punshed the table and went through my hair.
"I didn't expect them to hear that." I tried defending myself.
"And if this wasn't enough, there are rumours circulating about us that we have something to do with the incident with Mr.Big" He said while looking at all of us. 
"What are we gonna do now?" Yoongi asked

"As for the rumours, it's not that hard to suffocate it. You guys are good with girls. When talking to them, mention the rumor and tell them that you think it's not real, and the rumor will slowly calm down." Taehyung said while looking at me and Jin. "But as for the girls, that's a bigger problem,"

"You want us to kill them?" Rm asked
"No. Not yet atleast" Taehyung said as he calmed down a little.
"I have a question tho. Why are you guys even going to that university? You already have a degree. " J-Hope asked a valid question while looking at me, Jin and Taehyung.
"Don't look at us, I also don't know. We only did as tae told us to." I said. We all looked at Taehyung now.
"I guess I'll tell you" he said. You could see he didn't really talk about it, though.

"We're there because I need more information on Jennie Kim." He throws a file on the table that he got from a locked drawer behind the table. 
"Her father was the leader from our biggest enemy. 'YG'. And as you know, in this business, if you're an 'heir', you get to lead your gang at a certain age. Just like I did. And suprise suprise Jennie's birthday is getting closer and closer. They will probably contact her when she finally is 23 years old. Till then, I'll try to get as much information out of her that I might need in the future. Because if she takes over she will be guarded 24/7 until she learns how to lead. And I don't want to wait that long." 

"If that had been your father, he would have killed her by now. So why don't you do it and get this over with" Jin said.
"First of all, I still need her and second, so 'YG' hates me even more after we kill her? no thanks, I don't want them to be more of a danger than they already are." He answered. "And I need you guys for this to work. So will you support me?" he added. 

"But don't fall in love while you try to spend so much time with her" I added.
He hit me hard on my arm. "Yeah right! I hate her, her father is the reason my mother died. He killed her when I was 6 years old. I remember this scene better than anything else" 


"Quick hide in there" she put me into cabinet "Don't come out there under any circumstances okay honey" I nodded "Mommy, whats wrong, why won't you sit next to me" she laughed at my question and just she gave me a kiss on my forehead "I love you so much, my love"

She closed the cabinet doors but I could still see through a gab. She opened the door a little. I silently sat there with my teddy bear waiting for mommy. She went some steps back and took a big stick. Is she gonna play baseball with it, I wanna play too. 

1 tall man and 2 of his friends came in and probably wanted to play with mommy too. He pulled out a water gun and shot at mommy. She played along and fell to the ground. They left and let her lay there. I wanted to go to mommy but she said I have to wait here and sit. I am a good boy so I will stay here as she wants me to.

End of flashack

"I was too little to understand what's happening. After my father found me in the cabinet, I asked him, 'Will mommy wake up again?' That was the first time I saw my father cry." Taehyung said, trying to hold his tears back. "And now you also know why I hate weak people, I couldn't protect her when she needed me the most."

"Tae, you know that it's not your fault." I said.
"I know this is an emotional topic for you, but how do you know that it was Jennie father?" Yoongi asked. It was hard to see Taehyung like this.
"While he..." he paused, collected himself first and then continued again" While he was pointing his gun at my mother you could see the logo of YG tattooed on his wrist and those other man called him 'boss'" He answered.

"I am sorry, of course we will support you with this mission." J-Hope said while hugging him 
"Thanks guys, it means a lot to me."

"So you want revenge after she is the leader of YG?" Yonngi asked.
"Yes, I want her father to see her suffer, just like I did while he killed my mother"
"But, wait. I thought her father died?"
I just grined at his answer and added slowly "Don't worry, he definitely is not dead..." 

This is a little more sad chapter than normally, and you guys got a little lore on Tae's background story...
And btw if you're wondering why Lisa isn't getting as much as POV's as the others it's because her 'partner' isn't introduced yet. 

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