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 ➴ A taennie story

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➴ A taennie story...ლ

Jennie's POV

Later, when the party was done, we celebrated among ourselves. Just me, Jisoo, Rosie and Lisa.
It was pretty late already and not so many restaurants were still open. So we decided to rather go to a convenience store and buy some ramen and soju instead to go a restaurant we don't like. 

We were sitting inside on barstools and ate our ramen. Rose was of course the first to finish and Lisa and Jisoo were quickly done after her. I was the only one still eating. While talking Lisa got a phone call, that she nervously accepted. She didn't say much and only the person on the other side of the phone said something. I couldn't hear what though.

She looked at the girls and excused themselfs
"Jennie we will be right back okie? We were already done with our food. We will be back before you even finish" Jisoo said and they walked all out. I was so confused at what's happening. But the girls seemed so calm, so I didn't worry to much. 

10 minutes passed, I was done with my ramen and they still didn't come back. I looked around the big windows that were facing the table we ate on. Thats when I saw a black figure in a park not far from here. As if he'd watch me the whole time.

Even though he was a little far away you could tell that he was a little short. 

He noticed that I saw him and quickly vanished into the dark. I started to get worried for the girls so I stood up and walked out searching for the girls. After some minutes of looking I saw them in an alley talking with someone. 

I knelt behind a big trash can, peeking my head out on the side. Hiding, and hoping they won't finde me.
The man wore a black face mask and a cap almost covering his whole eyes. But you could still see a big scar on his face that went straight his left eye down. I tried to listen to their conversation but I was to far away to hear anthing. After talking the man gave Lisa a beautiful golden dagger. I peeked a little more, when I couldn't hold my balance anymore and fell down They all heard and saw me how I layed on the ground. They guy ran the opposite way and the girls quickly stepped up to me, helping me up. I pulled away from them and questioned them.

"What the fuck is happening here huh? Why are guys talking with some random dude and on top of that why did he give you that" I said while pointing at the dagger Lisa had in her hand. 
"Look, it's not what it looks li-" Rose said while moving closer to me.
I backed up and said "Really? That's what a guy always says when he's cheating on someone after he did some dumb decisions." I answered coldly. 
"Yes but we really can explain" Jisoo said. "We wanted to tell you anyways. Let's go home and let us talk" I nodded because after all I was the one that spied on them, but what else can you do if you're worried something bad might happen to you're loved ones. So after taking our bags that we forgot at the store, we went to my place. 


Lisa and Rose looked at Jisoo waiting for her to start. 
"We- " she exhaled "We are part of a mafia gang. And this gang was used to run by your father, and now that you're 23 years old it's time for you to step into his footsteps." She said so fast like she was rapping. 
"I am sorry what?" I said while leaning my head a little forward "You're telling that I am some kind of mafia princess and that you guys are part of his 'kingdom'. " they only nodded. 

"And who is the guy you were talking with?" 
"That was Geum Han-wool , he was you're fathers best friends. He lead the mafia gang 'YG' while you're absence. And when you join he will get his well deserved retirement."
"Wait a damn minute, who said I wanted to join. Why would I join a gang were you kill hundreds of people" I answered.
"Thousands" Lisa corrected me when Rose hit her with her elbow as she put on a smile. 
"We thought you would love to join since it's like your fathers legacy." Rose said. 
"How long has it been since you joined 'YG'?"
They hesitated at first but then said "Almost 4 years" so quitly that I didn't get it at first.
"4 FUCKING YEARS?" I yelled. "You guys have been looking into my eyes every single day and still kept lying to me for 4 years?" I only scoffed and didn't know what so say at this point. 
"We wanted to tell you, but if we did, it would have dire consequences for us." before Jisoo could rebut any further my mom came in. 

"Hey girls, I brought you some snacks for you to enjoy" She said and put a plate for snacks onto my night stand. 
"Thank you Ms. Kim" Lisa said and took a little cookie from the plate. 
"You guys continue to have fun" she said as she closed the door after her. 

"Sorry guys, I won't do it. I don't want to do it. Please respect my decision." They all looked at me with disapointed faces. I felt bad but I could't even hurt a fly how am I suppost to lead a fucking mafia gang, where the whole point is to hurt people.

Thats when I heard a big slam from downstairs. I ran down because I thought my mom had tripped. Oh boy, how wrong I was. 

I strode towards the kitchen, when I saw a foot peeking out behind the kitchen island.
On each step that I walked forward, everything got more blurry and blurry
On each step that I walked forward, I trembled even more than the last step
On each step that I walked forward, I was hoping not to see the thing I imagined to see

And yet it still happend...
I could hear the steps from the girls behind moving closer and closer.
I reached the kitchen island and saw my mom laying on the floor. I gasped in shook and rushed as I knelt next to her, pressing my face against her sticky, bloody chest. She was still breathing.

"Mom- Please no" I said as I leaned her head up with my forearm "Don't leave me" I started crying my eyes out. She was bleeding so much.
"Jendukie" she took a deep breath trying to catch more air for her to continue her sentence "I...love you so... much."
"Mom stop pushing yourself, you need to save you're energy" but she continued talking
"It's not you're fault-" she paused "that man-"
"What man?" I moved my ear closer to her mouth to hear what she was trying to say, when she stopped answering and her eyes closed.

Rose called the ambulance from my phone that was laying on a table in the living room. When the ambulance arrived I drove with my mom and the paramedics to the hospital. The girls were driving in their cars behind us.

They immediately took her into the emergency room and operated.
The girls were sitting right outside of the emergency room and I only walked up and down, still crying. I couldn't just sit there and wait for her to come out, the amount of time I had to wait was driving me crazy.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rose said looking behind me. I turned around and saw 2 men walking up to us, it was Taehyung and Jimin. The girls and those guys started bickering but they were the least of my problems right now. After 1 and a half hour the doctor came out. 

"A- And? How- How is she?" I asked still tearing up.
"I am sorry for you lost... We did everything that we could." He said looking sad as he walked away.

In that moment, my whole world shattered into many pieces. I clenched my fists by my sides, my entire body heavyed as I fell to the ground. I continued to shake profusely, my eyes were blurry and heat consumed me.
I heard a shrill, deafening shriek. I looked around, only to find that it was coming from me. I felt completely helpless. My hands covered my stinging wet tears.
I trembled as I screeched "He took everything from me"

Jisoo knelt next to me and held me in her arms. My tears started running on her arm, soaking in her long-sleeved top. She stroke me on my back while calming me down "Everything will be fine, we are here for you."

His 'little' secret: TaennieWhere stories live. Discover now