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--<-<-<✿ (*≧ I'll help ≦*) ✿ ->->->--

--<-<-<✿ (*≧ I'll help ≦*) ✿ ->->->--

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➴ A taennie story...ლ

Author's POV

Han-wool already left and the girls were all sitting in Rose's living room. Jennie wanted to start as soon as possible, so he arranged a meeting at our base tomorrow to show her around and discuss how they are going to move forward on training her to be ruthless like him, like showing no mercy in missions and all those kind of stuff.

"You know that if you join you'll have to fight and kill people" Rose said.
"I know" Jennie said leaning her back on the backrest "But I don't know why your telling me this. You guys wanted me to join in the first place. Why the sudden change?" 

They couldn't answer. She was right, we wanted her to join, but somehow everything changed. Lisa didn't even know if Jennie will be able to kill people if needed. She was always the most sweetest person who couldn't even hurt a fly, and now they all are expecting to do that kind of stuff. Especially when the death of her mother was barely 1 week ago. 

Jennie didn't go to the univerity for a week. But she knew that she still wanted to continue going there since it was important for her mother to get her degree. Even though it will be tough, she wants to push herself finishing this. Lisa respected her decision and she will support her.


The 1 day passed and one of the cars Han-wool picked Jennie up driving her to our base. The base is protected by many man in black suits standing in almost every corner. 'YG' has many security cameras that are protected by their our own system, so no one can hack them. They have the highest high-tech equipments that you can buy on the black market. If you can't tell they are one of the biggest mafias in Korea or even the world. Right after BTS, which btw never showed their faces to the media. Thats why it took so long for the girls realize that Taehyung and his friends are the heads of the gang.

The girls waited for her to arrive in the car, everything was like a coronation and they were crowing Jennie as our queen. 
The car parked infront of the main gate and Jennie got off. They happily walked next to each other up to the door of our base that was secured by walls an man. It was finally time to Jennie join them. On their way to the door atleast 50 man were standing in one line, with lowered gazes. It was like they already acknowledged that Jennie is going to be the new boss once her training is over and they show their respect. 

They went in passing all man and Han-wool greeted Jennie.

"Welcome in our 'humble' base" he said while spreading his arms sideways in the air.
They showed Jennie around. In all the base has 2 floors over the ground and 3 floors underground. The floors over the  ground were furnished a little more like a house with rooms to sleep in when you're to sleepy to drive home after a mission and basic rooms like bathrooms and even a kitchen for you're coffee. And even though the other floors are build like any other mafia base. The other floors have rooms for treating our injured man, trainging rooms and the biggest room of our base. The equipment room. It was the size of half a soccer field and the centerpiece of the base, the room where the action starts. It was filled with weapons, little headsets for communicating with team members, cameras, wigs and more. 

Jennie's face was on the whole tour the same. Impressed.

"And one last thing" Han-wool pulled 2 black cards out of his pocket and gave them to Jennie.
"Why are you giving me this?" She asked. 
"Well you're gonna be the leader of this mafia gang of course you'll need money. Those are yours now. They have no limit. 1 card is for your personal purchases and the other one is for business purchases like if we need to buy more weapons or if we get money after a mission we transfer it one this one" 
"I will keep the business card but I can't accept the other one." she said while wanting to give him the card back but he refused.
"I don't accept a no. And now let's go" he said "We have to start you training now. Luckily you're friends are the best in this gang, well after me of course" praising himself.
"H a h a" Lisa said ironically.

They all walked into the training room and started by finding out where Jennie's strengths are. They tested her shooting abilitys, Jennie was scared at first because she never held a weapon let alone shot with it but she but she went for it. Considering she's never done it before, she was good.
Hacking was not really her thing since she would have to learn everything from zero and she didn't really want that. Also they already had hackers, they didn't really need more.
Later they tried fighting, she fought with Lisa and was able to win against her. After 13 years of fighting that was obviously her best strengh. And if she combines this with her clever mind she will be a astonishing leader or thats atleast what Han-wool thought. He saw great potential in her. 

Lisa's POV

3 days passed

It was a monday and we all went to the university again. I knew this wasn't the best timing but I still needed to make that bastard pay for what he'd done to all those girls. I tried so hard to find a guy who would be willing to help me, I even offered money, but none of those guys wanted to do it. And when I asked why they said they didn't want to get involved punishing my P.E teacher. I was so desperate at this point, so I asked Chaeyoung if she could help me. I wanted to reaveal my plan to the girls after I'd find a guy who'd help but since I didn't find one I had no choice to talk with Chaeyoung first, maybe she knows someone. 

Instead going to P.E, I decided to skip and talk with Chaeyoung whom didn't have class right now since a professor was sick. 
"Hey Rosie, can we talk. Alone" I said and stood with her in the hallway as some students passed us. 

We walked into the chemistry room that was empty.
"You know how I have a plan to punish that disgusting P.E teacher?" She nodded on my sentence.
"Well bad news, I have a feeling that plan won't work" I stated as she looked at me in confusion. "The thing is I need a guy for this to work but you don't know how hard I tried to get one to help me. None. None of the guys are willing to help me even after I offered money. It's like all of those man have th guts to go against a P.E teacher. So I wanted to ask if you'd maybe knew a guy who'd help, preferably somone who is going to this university." 
"Lali, I am sorry but I have no one that comes to my mind right now. But I will help you find someone okay?" In that moment a voice emerged from the back. The guy wiped a red smudge from his face as he walked away from the small room behind us where the chemicals are safely stored. 

"I'll help" He answered.

His 'little' secret: TaennieWhere stories live. Discover now