Part 45

542 11 76


Geiju had searched all over the house, looking for where Shoku could've hidden you. All but one place. His room.

Maybe she isn't here.

Geiju had to check. Just to make sure. So, while Shoku was gone, Geiju made his way into his brother's room. And immediately, he saw a weirdly placed shelf. He pushed it aside and noticed a door that wasn't supposed to be there.

Is that it?

Geiju didn't hesitate to go to the door and open it.


You were just about to open the door but before you could grab the knob, the door opened in front of you. Your heart dropped and you thought it would be the end. But lucky for you, it was a face you did not expect to see. It was Geiju.



"Found you!" Tears started to swell in Geiju's eyes and he grabbed you, pulling you into a tight hug. "Ow.. Air.." You muttered. Geiju let you go and immediately noticed the cast on your leg.
"What happened?" Geiju asked, holding onto your shoulders. You looked down, thinking of what to say.

"He kidnapped me.." You buried your face into Geiju's chest. Finally feeling relived. But that feeling didn't last long when you suddenly heard the doorknob turn.


The phone started ringing, grabbing his attention. He pulled the cigarette away from his mouth and exhaled the smoke from his lips. He reached over to his table and grabbed his phone and his brows furrowed when he saw the unfamiliar number. But not just anybody calls this number. To know this number means you have connections. But he decided to answer.

"Hello?" His voice was deep and firm. He heard the voice of a young sounding girl answer, "Hello. My friend was kidnapped and told me to call this number." The girl on the phone said. He took another huff from his cigarette, "What's your friend's name?" He asked, wondering if this was worth his time.



The man stood up, dropping his cigarette to the ground and stepping on it to put it out.

"Give me the address."


Umeji was on his on his way to Geiju's house after the artist sent him a text asking him to come by. Umeji originally didn't want to but decided it's best to help him with whatever he needs. Afterall, the last place you were seen was at his house.

But as Umeji was about to open on the door, he heard a loud crash, followed by shouting.

The hell?!

Umeji tried to open the door but it was locked. So he kicked it open. Which worked.
Umeji barged into the house and ran to the sounds of yelling. When he saw an opened door, he ran in and was shocked at what he saw.

♥︎𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰♥︎ - {Umeji × Reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin