Stomach Flu

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I barely got a wink of sleep that night. My stomach was making funny noises and I felt nauseous. So I decided to tell my new Mom the next day.

'Mom, I don't feel too good.'

'Pity,' said my new Mom.

'Mom, I'm serious. My stomach hurts.'

'Nice try, but I'm not falling for the too sick to go to school excuse again.'

Again? I guess that I shouldn't be surprised. Americans seem to fake being sick to get out of going to school a lot. But I was definitely not faking. I had never faked being sick all my life.

Even though I insisted that I was telling the truth, my new Mom made me go to school anyway. My real mother would have believed me.

As I went to the school gates, I saw Valt and Shu having a conversation. I didn't bother eavesdropping as I already knew that Valt was asking Shu to battle him.

'There you are,' came Kairi's voice. I saw her coming up to me. 'So how are you planning to ask Shu out- you look terrible!'

'That bad?' I asked.

'You look like a zombie! And have you been drinking enough water?'

'I haven't been drinking water for a while,' I muttered.

'Well, you should see a doctor. Why are you in school?'

'My Mom insisted on me going. She thought that I was faking being sick.'

As the day went on, I felt really dizzy. I had no desire to eat or drink water. This is quite troubling. Usually I at least can drink some water. My head was pounding and I was feeling severely dehydrated but I still didn't feel like drinking water.

My stomach hurt a lot. I tried to ignore it, but the pain got worse.

In Gym, I had no energy. However, the teacher suddenly decided that we were going to play dodgeball.

'No, I don't wanna,' I said in my head. Obviously I wasn't going to say that out loud.

Valt asked me if I was okay. 'You look pale. Are you sick?'

'I think so,' I muttered. My stomach was churning horribly. Oh no, please don't do this!

My feet didn't seem to be working properly. I tried to ignore my nausea, but it was no good. I ran over to the wastebasket in the middle of the game.

The teacher wasn't pleased. 'Miss Charmille, come back here!' he called.

But I didn't listen. I promptly threw up in the wastebasket.

Kairi ran over to me. 'Rose, you should go to the nurse's office.'

I nodded. I noticed that my hands were shaking terribly.

I don't remember making the journey to the nurse's office. All I could remember was having a thermometer put into my mouth.

'Yep, you're having a fever all right. Can you give me your parent or guardian's phone number?'

It wasn't long before my new Mom came to fetch me. She even apologized for not believing me.

'I should have at least checked if you were showing any signs of illness. According to the nurse, you have gastroenteritis.'

'What is that?'

'Stomach flu.'

Stomach flu? That would explain the nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting. I had never had the disease before, but I have read about it. Usually it will last for a few days.

As soon as we both arrived home, my new Mom tucked me into bed and told me to take a nap. A bucket was placed near my bed so I wouldn't have to go to the bathroom every time I needed to throw up. Good thing too, for I threw up a lot.

I hate throwing up. I always have a bad taste in my mouth afterward and my mouth would smell of rotten food. Which kind of made sense.

My new Mom woke me up for lunch, but I still wasn't hungry. My new Mom urged me to eat, insisting that I needed to eat to get better.

I took one little sip of orange juice, but it was too much for my stomach. I threw up again.

My new Mom looked at me with worry. Then she said that we were going to the hospital so that I could have a checkup.

Uh oh. I knew that a certain albino boy was going to the hospital for a checkup too. Oh why did I have to fall sick now?


It was no use protesting. I had to go to the hospital to have a checkup. I still felt dizzy and nauseous, so I just sat on a chair in the waiting room while my new Mom went to the front counter.

I considered hiding, but my new Mom would panic if she returned to find me missing. Soon, my new Mom told me that we had to wait for a bit until the doctor was finished with his current patient.

Ten minutes later, a voice called my name. My new Mom took me to the room the doctor was in. However, I almost had a heart attack when the previous patient came out of the room.

'Shu?' I asked.

Shu looked even more shocked to see me than I was to see him. This was kind of worrying since Shu rarely shows emotion. 'Rose? What... Er... What are you doing here?'

My new Mom looked pleasantly surprised. 'Is that boy your friend?'

'Yeah. This is Shu Kurenai.'

My new Mom introduced herself to Shu. 'I'm Mrs Charmille, Rose's mother.'

Shu looked horrified. 'I... I have to go.' And off he went without another word.

At first, I wondered why Shu had scampered off like that. Then I remembered that Shu was injured. He was probably afraid that I would figure it out. Too bad that I already knew for years.

The doctor was really nice and gentle. He told my new Mom that I definitely had the stomach flu. My new Mom was given some medicine for me and said that I needed to have a lot of fluids and to eat fruit and vegetables. I didn't see how that was possible with me needing to vomit a lot. I couldn't keep anything down, not even water!

But it got even worse when my new Mom was driving home. She asked me if I liked Shu. I had no idea how to respond. What if my new Mom embarrassed me in front of Shu when she finds out that I like him? I would never live it down!

So I pretended to be too tired to answer. I hoped that my new Mom would drop the question after a while.

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