Going Camping?

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I woke up at almost noon to find my friends giggling and taking pictures of me and Shu snuggling together. Alarmed,  I sat up at once. Shu was still asleep.

'Aww, you two are the cutest couple ever,' said Kairi. 'But who won the challenge?'

I just realized that since Shu had fallen asleep before me, technically I won the challenge. 'Er... I did.'

Shu opened his eyes and sat up too. 'What time is it?' he asked.

'It's 11.39 a.m.' said Daigo.

Shu looked shocked. 'I have never slept so late before,' he said.

'Well, we tried to wake both of you up but you wouldn't budge,' said Kairi. 'You two looked so cute sleeping with each other though. To be fair, we were only up for an hour.'

I still felt a little silly having known that my friends taking pictures of me and Shu sleeping together. I knew that they wouldn't show anyone else, but it still felt humiliating. And if Shu is just as embarrassed, he hasn't said so.

When school started again, everything felt a little strange. People had started whispering about me again, but this time it didn't sound scornful, only curious. I wondered what on earth was going on.

Then one day, I was busy reading in the cafeteria during lunchtime when a little blue tornado of energy came rushing towards me. Okay, I'm exaggerating here. The blue tornado was actually Valt.

Valt was acting super hyper about something. Well, he's always hyper. Seriously, I don't want to know what Valt would be like if he drank a cup of coffee. Well, he was talking a mile a minute in a mixture of English and Japanese and I couldn't make head or tail of what he was saying.

'Whoa, slow down,' I said. 'I can't understand you.'

Valt slowed down. 'Well, the Beyclub is going to have a training camp for the team battles for the National Tournament. Now that Shu and Wakiya have joined, we are an official club.'

'Well, that's nice,' I said. 'But what does that have to do with me? I don't play beyblade.'

'Here's the thing,' said Valt. 'I thought that you and Kairi might want to come along. I mean, you two kept talking about how fun it would be to go on camping since neither of you have ever been.'

I wasn't sure about this. All I could think of was the super high bridge that didn't look safe at all. Besides, being outdoors isn't my thing at all.

On the other hand, I would love to go camping, though I don't fancy letting it becoming a regular thing.

'I'll think about it,' I said.


'Of course we should go on the camping trip,' said Kairi. 'We could have bonfire nights and possibly roast marshmallows. We can stay up late and tell ghost stories...'

'Bo ghost stories,' I said. 'I hate horror movies.'

'But you have read Twilight,' said Kairi.

'Twilight does not count as horror,' I said.

Kairi pouted slightly. 'Well, it should still be fun,' she said.

I had to admit, the training camp could be fun. 'All right, I'll go too.'


The train ride to the training camp was a heap of fun. I don't know why, but I just get so excited at the prospect of riding trains and travelling by plane. Well, the last plane ride I had didn't go so well, considering that I died, but I don't want to think of that.

Wakiya was the only person who complained about the train seats. I was so annoyed by his complaining that I yelled, 'Hey, do you realize how spoiled you sound right now?'

Everyone burst into laughter at that. Well, Wakiya didn't laugh. Shu didn't either, but I think that he wanted to, but was trying to be polite.

And on top of that, Wakiya suddenly toppled to the ground. Now even I was laughing. Sorry, but it just looked a hundred times funnier in real life than onscreen.

Well, the mansion that Wakiya took us to was even more luxurious than I expected. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that we were in the royal palace of England.

Wakiya told us that we could all pick our own rooms. I don't know if I liked my room or not. It seemed way too big and the king-sized bed could have fitted five or six people.

I stepped into the bathroom. There was this enormous bathtub and a ton of containers of shampoo, conditioner, and other stuff. I was tempted to go and have a bath immediately, even though I didn't feel dirty.


I was nervous about cooking dinner outside. I'm not a good chef, and I was afraid of sharp knives, getting burnt, and fire.

Shu noticed that I was struggling to cut up a tomato. 'Need some help?' he asked.

I nodded. 'Yeah,' I said. So Shu guided me. Seriously, that boy makes cooking look so easy. Sometimes I wonder if he's an adult in a kid's body.

I had to be careful not to get distracted for I didn't fancy getting cut. But it happened anyway.

'Ahh,' I squealed as blood flowed out of my middle finger. 'It hurts.'

Shu quickly washed my finger with water and wrapped it up.

'You okay?' he asked.

I got lost in his bright red eyes. 'I am now.'

Reincarnated in Beyblade Burst Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang